By: Dr. Russ Shughart
I was pleased to deliver a presentation on the American Translators Association (ATA) at the meeting of the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) on Friday, 6 December 2024. This was a significant event as it was the first in-person meeting of the ILR since March 2020. Since then, the ILR has convened only through social media platforms in response to restrictions stemming from the COVID pandemic.
The in-person gathering of the ILR took place at the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) in College Park, Maryland, and the presentation was delivered on behalf of the ILR Translation and Interpretation Committee to about 35 participants.
The presentation consisted of an overview of ATA as well as updates on recent developments, highlighting the ATA Annual Conference program in Portland, Oregon. The overview introduced the participants to ATA’s governance, structure, and array of resources, services, and events for professional translators and interpreters. The updates on recent developments emphasized the topics of ATA leadership, membership, and stewardship.
The presentation also included overviews of ATA’s Government Division (GovD), the National Capital Area Translators Association (NCATA) (ATA’s local chapter), and ATA’s agreement with the DLI Foundation on collaboration in program advocacy and outreach. The ILR meeting participants were encouraged to consider ATA membership and to attend ATA’s 66th Annual Conference, set for Boston
in October 2025.
During the meeting, it was noted with great sadness that Dr. Maria Brau passed away in October 2024. Dr. Brau was a longstanding and highly prominent member of the ILR, principally in her capacity as Chief of the Language Testing and Assessment Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Prior to retiring from civil service, Maria led the petition signature drive at ATA to establish GovD, which was subsequently created as ATA 19th division in 2015.
It was also noted that Mr. Joseph Mazza’s attendance at the ILR meeting was occurring on his final active day of employment with the federal government. Mr. Mazza will retire from the U.S. Department of State with 35 years of civil service, acting since 2006 as Chief of the Translating Division of the Office of Language Services. Joe’s record of accomplishments in the field of translation and interpreting includes four years as Administrator of ATA GovD. In retirement, Joe will continue to serve as co-chair of the ILR Translation and Interpretation Committee.
Details on the Interagency Language Roundtable are available at
Dr. Russ Shughart
ATA Government Division
12 December 2024