We are happy to share our analysis of the responses to the GovD members survey. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey - your participation and responses have helped us to better understand the makeup of our members, the topics you're interested in, and the resources and tools you would like us to share. We will use this information to guide our upcoming … [Read more...]
National Language Service Corps: Opportunities for ATA Member Employment in Support of U.S. Government Organizations
By: Dr. Russ Shughart When our federal government colleague Dr. Maria Brau led the petition from members of the American Translators Association to establish GovD as ATA’s 19th division in 2015, she emphasized the mutual benefits of focused engagement and interaction involving members of U.S. government entities and ATA. Specifically, Dr. Brau noted that requests for … [Read more...]
Meet the ATA Government Division Administrators and Leadership Council
Jason Kopp - Administrator Jason Kopp is the Chief of the Translation Branch at the U.S. Census Bureau. The Translation Branch provides professional, enterprise translation services for the Census Bureau. Jason has over 15 years of translation and project management experience in the federal government (he worked in the State Department's Office of Language Services before … [Read more...]
Welcome to the Government Division of the American Translators Association!
The Government Division (GovD) supports language professionals who work for or with the government at all levels – federal, tribal, state, and local. GovD members include translators, interpreters, program and project managers, language access coordinators, educators, and translation providers. We share information regarding government job opportunities, working in and … [Read more...]
ATA 62nd Annual Conference – Government Division Distinguished Speaker
The Government Division was pleased to feature as its Distinguished Speaker Dr. Christopher Mellinger, associate professor in the Department of Languages and Culture Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Dr. Mellinger is the managing editor of the journal Translation … [Read more...]