An ongoing pandemic has made it impossible for us to be a part of an in-person conference, so we are going virtual instead.
Four days of intense learning and networking from the comfort of your home/office. Share drinks, jokes and your business cards virtually. Meet and greet people across the globe, without taking a single step.
A few of our exceptionally talented S&TD members will be sharing their experience and expertise at this virtual conference. Make time for it, make the most of it.
What better way to celebrate scientific and technological progress than this?
The schedule of the science and technology sessions is as follows (as posted on the ATA conference website):
DAY 1 — DATE: OCT 21
AST-13 – Writing Skills to Enhance the Value of Medical, Technical, and Scientific Translators
TIME: 2:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Romina Marazzato Sparano, CT
Specialized translation is partly about terminology, but also about complex ideas and relationships conveyed through textual features beyond the lexicon. In this workshop, we’ll explore the features of specialized text to sharpen your skills as a technical communicator and become an indispensable “human in the loop” even in an increasingly automated environment. Using plain language strategies for textuality (coherent building of meaning), you will learn secrets for drafting cogent text and fixing gaps, mistakes, and obscurity in poorly written pieces.
Language: Neutral
Level: All
Earn 3.0 ATA CEPs
Hashtag: #ATA61WritingSkills
Along with your conference registration, additional fees are required.
DAY 2 — DATE: OCT 22
013 – Plain Language Strategies for Successful Communication
Time: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Romina Marazzato Sparano, CT
Plain language promotes successful communication in all human endeavors. In an age of complexity (big data, artificial intelligence, and socio-economic and environmental challenges), plain language has a vital role to play in communications with and among experts, policymakers, lay audiences, and people with disabilities. Come learn strategies that will make you a plain language writer your clients will love! The speaker will cover how to create meaning with logic and coherence and how to adapt text to the audience and situation at hand. The speaker will use a combination of learning approaches and draw from real text examples for great takeaways!
Topics: Terminology, Translation
Presenting Language: English with Multilingual Examples
Level: All Levels
Hashtag: #ATA61PlainLanguage
015 – Beautiful Translations: Foundations for the Personal Care and Cosmetics Industry
Time 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Karen Tkaczyk, CT
This session will provide an overview of essential areas to understand in order to translate for the cosmetics, toiletries, soap, and detergent industry successfully. The speaker will introduce attendees to the regulatory affairs and key concepts behind the industry. A list of useful resources and reference material will also be provided.
Topics: Science & Technology, Translation
Presenting Language: English
Level: All Levels
Hashtag: #ATA61BeautifulTranslations
022 – From Little Fresh Meat to Oily Uncles: A Beginner’s Guide to
Translating Chinese Internet Slang Terms
Time 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Rony Gao, CT
Thanks to the ubiquitous internet, new words are being introduced into the language of the people of the Middle Kingdom every day. Translating and interpreting Chinese content containing this viral online slang poses a unique challenge. The speaker will discuss techniques to translate some of the most prevalent Chinese online slang into English, providing numerous examples from real-life translation and interpreting assignments dealing with popular culture, business, and journalism.
Topics: Chinese, Interpreting, Science & Technology, T&I Industry, Terminology
Presenting Language: Chinese
Level: Intermediate
Hashtag: #ATA61ChineseSlang
DAY 3 — DATE: OCT 23
121 – Translation Scams
Time 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Carola F Berger, CT
Scams are on the rise in online commerce, especially when transacted entirely online. The language sector is particularly vulnerable to fraudulent schemes. Even knowledgeable professionals can fall victim to scammers. However, as we’ll see in this session, the risks can be minimized. We begin with an overview of various scams targeting translators and interpreters, such as variants of the ubiquitous fake check fraud, as well as identity theft and impersonation. Then we’ll look at specific real-life examples and discuss concrete actions to protect against these fraudulent schemes. A list of resources will complement these action items.
Topics: Independent Contractors, T&I Industry
Presenting Language: English
Level: All Levels
Hashtag: #ATA61SpotTheScams
044 – Who’s Afraid of DeepL? (German>English, French>English)
Time 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Dirk Siepmann
Machine translation (MT) tools like DeepL have become a significant concern to the translation industry. Clients either turn away from professional translators, assuming that DeepL will do the job just as well, or they submit a machine-translated text for post-editing, blithely unaware that this may be more time-consuming than translation from scratch. This session will examine the strengths and weaknesses of DeepL and suggests strategies for post-editing. It will demonstrate that fully automated high-quality MT is still out of reach. In what ways does the machine either assist or mislead translators, and when to do without it?
Topics: French, German, Language Technology, Literary Translation, Science & Technology, Terminology, Translation
German Language Division Distinguished Speaker
Presenting Language: English
Level: Advanced
Hashtag: #ATA61DeepL
057 – Medical Reporting for Translators and LSPs: From Pharmacogenomics to Clinical Research Lay Summaries
Time 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Romina Marazzato Sparano, CT
Research in personalized medicine (health care based on an individual’s traits and context) and precision medicine (health care based on big data) ultimately looks to enhance clinical practice by improving the efficacy and safety of targeted drugs, therapies, and devices. This session will explore pharmacogenomics, the science of individualized drug metabolism as influenced by genetics, and its impact on the conducting and reporting of research and clinical practice. Topics will include changes to regulatory documentation and reporting protocols for researchers, clinicians, and patients (including drug labeling and plain language requirements for lay summaries). Real-life examples will be used.
Topics: Legal T&I, Medical T&I, Science & Technology, Translation
Presenting Language: English
Level: Advanced
Hashtag: #ATA61MedReporting
DAY 4 — DATE: OCT 24
088 – Patently Useful: Insider Knowledge Gathered from Patent Attorneys
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Evelyn Garland, CT
‘Think like your client’ is more than a mental exercise. It’s a long process requiring arduous effort and significant investment. The speaker, who has translated and interpreted for patent law firms, will share material learned over the years from conversations with patent attorneys, training programs designed for patent professionals, and writings by patent experts. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of their clients in the patent field.
Topics: Science & Technology, Translation
Presenting Language: English
Level: Advanced
Hashtag: #ATA61PatentlyUseful
129 – Workshopping Style in Portuguese>English Translations
Time 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Timothy Friese
Many translations between Portuguese and English get the terminology right, the language mechanics right, but then struggle when it comes to questions of style. Moving beyond the clichés that English must be abrupt and Portuguese long-winded, this session will take a workshop approach and have attendees collaborate to develop and share practical solutions for common stylistic issues at the sentence and paragraph level in legal and scientific domains.
Topics: Legal T&I, Portuguese, Science & Technology
Presenting Language: English
Level: Advanced
Hashtag: #ATA61PTtoENStyle
117 – Linguistic Validation: How Linguists Help Ensure Clinical Trial Success
Time 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT
Presenters: Alison Verbeke, Megan Kregel
Too little is known within the localization industry about the linguistic validation process and where it fits within clinical trial work. The speakers will delve into what linguistic validation is, why it’s necessary, where it fits within clinical trial work, and how linguistic skills are necessary within each step of the process. Attendees will learn what qualifications are needed to work on linguistic validation projects, as well as how to become leading linguistic validation experts within the life sciences industry.
Topics: Medical T&I, Science & Technology, Translation
Presenting Language: English
Level: Beginner
Hashtag: #ATA61LinguisticValidation
126 – Interpreting in Motorsports
Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT
Presenter: Amanda Katsurada
In this session, the key role interpreting is playing in the global development and operation of the business of motorsports will be discussed. Data will be shared from interviews with practicing motorsports interpreters.
Topics: Independent Contractors, Interpreting, Science & Technology
Level: All Levels
Presenting Language: English
Hashtag: #ATA61Motorsports1nt