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S&TD Forums and Mailing List

The Science and Technology Division hosts several online forums where members can network and support each other by discussing terminology, science and technology news, and ATA announcements and events. They include:

How to join the S&TD email discussion group

Go to https://groups.io/g/ATASciTechDiv and click on “Apply for Membership in this Group.” When applying for membership to the group, please provide your ATA member number and your name as it registered with ATA so the moderators can confirm your membership status.

How to join the S&TD Facebook and LinkedIn groups

Facebook and LinkedIn do not allow comments to be sent with membership requests, so if your profile name differs from the name that appears in the ATA directory, we will not be able to verify your identity. If this applies to you, we ask that you send us your full name and membership number, along with your Facebook or LinkedIn alias, to divisionsS_TD@atanet.org. Corporate members should include their business name as well.