
What we do

  • An electronic mailing list to discuss terminology or the latest science and technology news with a network of like-minded individuals (members only)
  • A LinkedIn group to expand your professional network (members only)
  • A public LinkedIn page with announcements and other news and information
  • A Facebook group for more casual networking and informal announcements (members only)
  • The S&TD blog, which publishes articles on technical translation and writing, book and presentation reviews, member profiles, and more
  • Science and Technology sessions at the ATA Annual Conference; the conference draws over 1,500 attendees from more than 60 countries every year (open to non-members)
  • An annual division dinner at the ATA Conference and regular virtual networking events open to all division members

Visit Resources > S&TD Forums and Mailing List  to sign up for or join our discussion forums and social media groups.

Become a Member

Membership in the Science and Technology Division is open to all members of the American Translators Association in good standing.

To join online, log in to the ATA website and go to My Divisions.