Member Benefits
- An electronic mailing list to discuss terminology or the latest science and technology news with a network of like-minded individuals (members only)
- A LinkedIn group to expand your professional network (members only)
- A public LinkedIn page with announcements and other news and information
- A Facebook group for more casual networking and informal announcements (members only)
- The S&TD blog, which publishes articles on technical translation and writing, book and presentation reviews, member profiles, and more
- Our Twitter feed, a source of science, technology, and language-related news
- A Science and Technology track at the ATA Annual Conference; the conference draws over 1,800 attendees from more than 60 countries every year (open to non-members)
- Networking events at the ATA Annual Conference (open to all conference attendees)
Visit Resources > S&TD Forums and Mailing List to sign up for or join our discussion forums and social media groups.
Become a Member
Membership in the Science and Technology Division is open to all members of the American Translators Association in good standing.
- To join online, visit “How to Join an ATA Division,” log into the ATA website, and follow the instructions.
- To join by mail or fax, download a division membership application form in PDF or MS Word format and send to:
American Translators Association
Membership Renewal
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Fax: (703) 683-6122