Home News2025 News Archive December 2024

December 2024

by Mery Molenaar
Division News

On behalf of the S&TD Leadership Council, we wish you a joyful holiday season and a new year filled with wonderful clients, exciting projects, and opportunities for growth.

Changes to the Leadership Council

We would like to welcome a new addition to our Leadership Council: Patrick Weill. You may remember Patrick from a few years ago when he served as our division’s Blog Editor. We are excited to have him back on the team as our Facebook Admin.
As of December, Pavitra Baxi has stepped down from the Leadership Council. As most of us know, combining a professional career, family and volunteering is a balancing act, and sometimes we have to make choices. We thank Pavitra for her many contributions to the division for many years as Blog Editor and Twitter/X Admin. Gene will be taking over Pavitra’s role as our Blog Editor, and instead of searching for a new X Admin, we have decided to delete our X account altogether.

Sadot Márquez and Pedro Valdez


We have posted a review of the two ATA65 sessions “Mining 101” and “Mining 102” presented by Sadot Márquez and Pedro Valdez. The review can be found on our website blog.

We believe everyone has a unique story and valuable insights to share, and we will be highlighting those in interviews with our members starting in January. If you are interested in being interviewed for our blog, please contact Gene, our Blog Editor.

Virtual Networking

Networking Event Announcement January 24

Valeria Verona will be hosting our next virtual networking event on Friday, January 24 at 11 am ET. As always, this event is for S&TD members only and registration is required. To register, send an email to ATASciTechEvents@gmail.com to receive a Zoom link.

Stay connected!

We encourage all division members to join our email discussion group and social media groups. This is a great opportunity to ask questions, stay up to date on division news, and network with your fellow Science & Technology Division members. Visit Division Forums and Mailing List under the Resources tab to find more information and links to sign up.

Not an S&TD member yet? Membership of the Science and Technology Division is open to all members of the American Translators Association. To join, log in to the ATA website, go to your Community Hub and click on My Divisions in the left-hand column.

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