Webmaster: Carola F. Berger, PhD, CT

Carola F Berger PhD CT English German Patent Translator

Carola F Berger PhD CT English German Patent Translator

Carola F. Berger, PhD, Dipl.-Ing., CT is an ATA-certified German into English and English into German translator specializing in the translation of technical, scientific, and IT-related texts, with an emphasis on patents. A native of Austria, she holds a PhD in physics from Stony Brook University, NY, and a Master’s degree (Diplom-Ingenieur) in engineering physics from the TU Graz, Austria. After a research career in theoretical physics at institutions such as Stanford and MIT, she returned to California to begin her freelance translation career.

When she is not busy translating, she can be found running and competing in agility with her dog, on her bicycle, or with a book, or in front of an electronics component or her computer, furthering her education formally and informally with books and online courses on a variety of technology- and science-related topics, from cryptocurrencies over renewable energy and self-driving robots.

For more information visit Carola’s website at www.CFBtranslations.com.

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