Have you considered presenting at the 57th Annual Conference in San Francisco? Here’s how: Learn more about the process by watching Corinne McKay’s free webinar on the topic, “How to Write a Winning ATA Conference Proposal.” Contact your Division Administrators at divisionS_TD@atanet.org to discuss your ideas. Visit www.atanet.org/conferencesandseminars/proposal.php to submit your proposal by March 4. We have posted a new article on our blog: “Savvy Technical Translators: What do They Have that You Need?” by Karen Tkaczyk The latest report from the Administrator to the ATA Board is now available under the Official Business tab.
2016 News Archive
Happy 2016 from the Science & Technology Division! Did you know that presentation proposals for the 57th Annual Conference in San Francisco are due by March 4? We encourage members to start thinking about proposal topics now. Visit www.atanet.org/conferencesandseminars/proposal.php for information about the process or contact your Division Administrators at divisionS_TD@atanet.org with your ideas. We have posted three new reviews from the ATA 56th annual conference on our blog: “Teach Your Text to Strip,” presented by Marcia Johnston and reviewed by Jesse Tomlinson “Risk Analysis for Medical Devices,” presented by Joanne Archambault and reviewed by Mery Molenaar “How to Read …
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