The New England Translators Association (NETA) will be hosting its 16th annual conference in Boston on May 5th, featuring keynote speaker Sergio Viaggio. S&TD member Tapani Ronni will be leading a Technology Resource Potluck. Early Bird registration is available until April 15th. Attendees to this conference who are certified by the ATA are eligible to earn six (6) Continuing Education points (CEPs). We have posted the latest report from the Administrator to the ATA Board under the Official Business tab, and we added to the resources section (Engineering).
You have a few more days to submit your proposals for the conference in San Diego. Submit them here: by March 12, 2012. If you want to run an idea past the Leadership Council before submitting it, please feel free to email any of us. We have formed our new Leadership Council for February 2012-March 2013. The core team will remain, but we welcome new members Petra Schweitzer, Nick Hartmann, Lebzy Gonzales, Matthew Schlecht, and Susanna Weerth. Thank you to Tim Hanes, Patricia Thickstun and Romina Marazzato for serving for the last year, and to the others who are …
We have been working on finding distinguished speakers for San Diego and have recommended two people to the conference organizer. It is also time for you to submit your proposals. Submit them here: by March 12, 2012. If you want to run an idea past the Leadership Council before submitting it, please feel free to email any of us. Speaking of the Leadership Council, we formed it in February 2011 on a one-year basis, so at the end of this month we will renew it for a further year. The core team will remain, but some people will leave …
Happy New Year to all the Science and Technology division members. During 2012, we wish you all promptly paying clients who send exciting projects with reasonable deadlines. We have posted the latest report from the Administrator to the ATA Board under the Official Business tab, and are working on some more ideas for Resources to add to that section of the site. We always welcome content from division members, should you have any great resources or articles to share.
Minutes from 2011 Annual Meeting of the Science and Technology Division of the American Translators Association. Learn More We would like to thank all of you who took the time to respond to the survey we sent out in June 2011. Your responses have been very helpful in determining how we can better serve the division’s 1,300 members. Learn More