ATA’s 55th Annual Conference in Chicago (November 5-8, 2014) is fast approaching!
- Early registration ends on October 3rd [https://www.atanet.org/conf/2014/register.htm]. ATA members can save $80 over the standard registration fee. Registered attendees will be able to begin using the conference app later this month.
- The Science & Technology Division will hold a networking dinner at Emilio’s Tapas, one of Chicago’s most popular restaurants (winner of a Critics’ Choice Award for 5 years in a row).
Thursday, November 6 at 7:00pmWHERE:
Emilio’s Tapas
215 East Ohio Street
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 467-7177 | www.emiliostapas.comRESERVATION AND PAYMENT:
Price (includes tax and gratuity): $55.00 per person if paying by check, $56.00 per person if paying by Paypal (to yarborough.translations[at]gmail[dot]com). Payment must be received on or before Wednesday, 10/29/2014.Please send checks to:
Alicja Yarborough
4400 Chalfont Place
Bethesda, MD 20816