Home News2019 News Archive November 2019

November 2019

by Science & Technology Division
Lebzy González and Carola Berger

November 2019 Science & Technology Division News – New leadership council, Yahoo groups, ATA60 and ATA61

The Science & Technology Division has a new leadership council for the coming year.
The leadership council consists of:
• Carola F. Berger – Administrator, Facebook Admin
• Mery Molenaar – Assistant Administrator
• Pavitra Baxi, Heike Holthaus – Blog Editors
• Lebzy González – LinkedIn Manager
• Amy Lesiewicz – Facebook Admin
• Romina Marazzato Sparano – Twitter Admin
• Matthew Schlecht – Listserv Moderator
• Naomi Sutcliffe de Moraes – Webmaster

Many thanks to outgoing Administrator Lebzy González, outgoing webmaster Mery Molenaar, outgoing blog editor Naomi Sutcliffe de Moraes, and outgoing LinkedIn manager/Listserve Co-Moderator Nancy Leveson for all their help in the past!

The other big news item is the imminent demise of Yahoo Groups. We are currently working with ATA Headquarters to find a new solution to house the listserve and to make the transition as seamless as possible. Watch the Yahoo Group and official ATA channels for an announcement once the details are finalized. Until such an announcement is posted, please do not click on any emails that purport to invite you to a new SciTech group – there are scams going around that download a virus onto your computer. Again, we’re working on it, please be patient! In the meantime, our other social media channels are working fine, so feel free to use these until the new mailing forum is up and running: https://ata-divisions.org/S_TD/resources/division-forums-and-mailing-list/.

Many thanks to all Science & Technology Division members who presented, attended, or otherwise contributed to make the science and technology track and the S&TD dinner at the annual ATA conference in Palm Springs a great success. If you attended a SciTech session and would like to write a summary for the blog, please let us know at divisionS_TD@atanet.org.

It is never too soon to think about the next conference, ATA61, to be held October 21-24, 2020, in Boston, Massachussetts. If you have ideas regarding topics you’d like to see covered or ideas for a guest speaker, please let us know at divisionS_TD@atanet.org. The guest speaker nominations are due in January! If you’d like to present in the science and technology track, the proposals will be due in March 2020.

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