January 2019

by Science & Technology Division

Happy 2019 from the Science & Technology Division!

Have you seen the ATA white paper on machine translation? Download it at www.atanet.org/pressroom/ATA_position_paper_machine_translation.pdf and let us know what you think.

We have posted our first article of 2019 on the S&TD blog! Take a look at “A Lexicon Backstory: How transcreating promotional technical journalism gave rise to a different type of Fr-En lexicon,” by Steve Dyson, and share your thoughts about transcreation with us on our Yahoo! listserv, Facebook group, or LinkedIn group.

Looking for ATA59 presentations? Two S&TD sessions were recorded for the Virtual Conference:

  • “The Painter, the Lover, the Knave, and the Nerd: Translators Adding Value in Literary Translation,” by Ellen Sowchek CT and Stephanie Delozier Strobel
  • “Localization in Silicon Valley: Are You Ready?” by Georgina Teran-Manrique

We have also uploaded slides and handouts from several ATA59 presentations to the section Resources > Conference Materials on our website:

  • “Introduction to Neural Machine Translation,” by Carola F. Berger
  • “Get the Pest, Spare the Rest,” by Matthew Schlecht
  • “Patent Translation for Liberal Arts Majors,” by Evelyn Yang Garland and Aaron Hebenstreit
  • “Patents: From Draft to Grant and Tackling Terminological Nightmares,” by Heike Holthaus, Nadine Edwards, Nicholas Hartmann, and Karen Tkaczyk
  • “Resources for Patent Translators,” compiled by Heike Holthaus, Nadine Edwards, Nicholas Hartmann, and Karen Tkaczyk
  • “Genetically enhanced cancer therapies,” by Tapani Ronni

Did you know that presentation proposals for the 60th Annual Conference in Palms Springs will be due in about two months? We encourage members to start thinking about proposal topics now. Visit last year’s Call for Proposals page at www.atanet.org/conferencesandseminars/proposal.php for information about the process or contact your Division Administrators at divisionS_TD@atanet.org with your ideas.

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