By Carola F. Berger, PhD, CT The Science & Technology Division was very fortunate to have Dr. Nic Jelinski, assistant professor of soil science in the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate at the University of Minnesota, as the Division Distinguished Speaker at ATA62. Mery Molenaar already summarized the first of his two very engaging presentations. Here, I review the second presentation, titled “Permafrost-Affected Soils in Alaska: Distribution, Comparative Morphology, and Change.” Read more…
Carola F Berger, PhD, CT
Carola F Berger, PhD, CT
Carola F. Berger, PhD, CT is an ATA-certified (German into English and English into German) translator with a PhD in physics and a master’s degree in engineering physics. She specializes in the translation of technical patents in the fields of robotics, electronics, artificial intelligence, engineering, and related subjects. She is also the Webmaster of ATA's Science and Technology Division and serves on the Board of Directors of the Northern California Translators Association (NCTA).
By Carola F Berger, PhD, CT Recently, the number of ransomware attacks has risen strongly. The affected businesses ranged from a Swedish supermarket chain that had to completely close its small-town stores for a week to language service providers. This article lists a few tips on what you can do yourself to combat this ransomware pandemic. Read more…
Join us for one or both of our virtual networking events around ATA61. Division Annual Meeting Oct. 19th, 2020, 1:30-2:30pm EDT, on Zoom, ALL division members welcome Virtual Networking Event Oct. 20th, 2020, 5:30-6:30pm EDT, on Zoom, ATA61 conference attendees only Read more >>
Most translators and interpreters, as well as everybody doing international business, know them well: high bank charges, sometimes coupled with exorbitant exchange fees, endless, complicated forms, long clearance times etc. Then there is the archaic way of paying via check. Given that this is the 21st century, one might think that there should be better, cheaper, faster ways for transferring money from person A to person B. There are, of course, Paypal and similar services, which however also involve non-negligible fees, and their newer relatives Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and the like. Neither of the aforementioned options is truly global. …
Nicholas Hartmann’s presentation on aviation and air travel was the very first SciTech session I attended at my very first ATA conference. As a pink-ribboned newbie, I did not quite know what to expect. Actually, I was afraid to be overloaded with dry terminology and vocabulary. I could not have been more wrong! Nick explained the physical principles of flight, something I personally could relate to, and then went on to explain the inner workings of an aircraft. He answered one of the issues I had worried about every time I boarded a plane, namely, how the wings could be …