Congratulations to Amy Lesiewicz, 2012 recipient of the Edmund Berger Prize in Scientific and Technical Translation, and Jennifer Clowery, recipient of the JTG Scholarship in Scientific and Technical Translation or Interpretation! The awards, presented by the ATA and the American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation, were announced at the ATA conference in San Diego. S&TD held a Division Open House, a networking dinner and its annual meeting during this year’s San Diego conference. Photos of the dinner are available under the Events tab of the division’s website, while the minutes of the annual meeting can be found under the Official …
Mery Molenaar
The ATA 53rd Annual Conference Mobile App is now available. The app supports a variety of formats (including access through a regular browser) and features a variety of scheduling and networking tools. You can create a personal profile on the app to share with attendees and vendors, distribute your resume, view handouts and slides, and contact speakers. Social networking sites are also integrated. See for additional details. The last day to register for the division’s networking dinner in San Diego is fast approaching: payments must be received by October 22. You can now also pay via Paypal by sending …
The Division has arranged a special event during the upcoming ATA conference in San Diego. Please join us on Thursday, October 25th from 7:30 PM until 10:30 PM for superb Mexican-French cuisine and &TD networking at the upscale Candellas Restaurant in the Gaslamp District. If you would like to attend you need to reserve a spot and submit payment in advance so that it arrives no later than October 21st. Please see the S&TD blog for details. Spaces are limited. We hope to see you there! Early registration for the ATA’s 53rd Annual Conference (October 24-17, 2012) ends on September …
Registration [] for the ATA’s 53rd Annual Conference in San Diego (October 24-17, 2012) Registration for the ATA’s 53rd Annual Conference in San Diego (November 6-9, 2013) is now open. A distinguished speaker has been selected for the S&TD track at the Annual Conference. Presentation topics that will be of interest to S&TD members include: infrastructure and commercial construction, photovoltaics, sustainable buildings, genetics, pharmacology, waste management, textiles and garments, particle physics, patents, technical drawings and tequila. The full schedule of the S&TD sessions [] is now available at the ATA website. We have posted the latest report from the Administrator …
Registration for the ATA’s 53rd Annual Conference in San Diego (October 24-17, 2012) [] opens this month. Here is a preview of some of the presentations that will be of interest to S&TD members. More to come next month. Sustainability, energy and architecture Silke Krawietz [], CEO and Scientific Director of SETA Network, will discuss the evolution of photovoltaic technology, efficiency/cost perspectives and building integration of photovoltaics. Pharmacology Bob Lyon [], Section Head Global Health Care Technology for Procter & Gamble, will discuss basic pharmacological concepts of drug action, how drug behavior is assessed and pharmacological perspectives on drugs of …
Steven Marzuola, Assistant Administrator of the Division, has resigned from that position. He will be staying on as a member of the Leadership Council. Steven says: I have been honored to serve as the first Assistant Administrator of the Division since it was re-established in 2010. Membership has grown to over 1500 and the Division is very active. Last December I was elected President of the Houston Interpreters and Translators Association, and the duties of that office are taking a lot more of my time than I anticipated. As a result, I have decided to resign from my position in …
The registration deadlines for many summer professional development courses are fast approaching. This year the Monterey Institute [] will be offering: Editing and Revision For Translators (Online) [], Website Translation and Localization (Online/On-site) [] and Computer-Assisted Translation (On-site) []. UC Berkeley Extension [] will also be offering online and on-site courses in Editing [] and Technical Communication []. We have posted two new articles on our blog []: Thoughts on Pharmaceutical Translation, by Karen Tkaczyk, and Ten Steps to Make Your Technical Translation Project a Success, by Dorothee Racette. Comments and contributions to the blog are always welcome!
The New England Translators Association (NETA) will be hosting its 16th annual conference in Boston on May 5th, featuring keynote speaker Sergio Viaggio. S&TD member Tapani Ronni will be leading a Technology Resource Potluck. Early Bird registration is available until April 15th. Attendees to this conference who are certified by the ATA are eligible to earn six (6) Continuing Education points (CEPs). We have posted the latest report from the Administrator to the ATA Board under the Official Business tab, and we added to the resources section (Engineering).
You have a few more days to submit your proposals for the conference in San Diego. Submit them here: by March 12, 2012. If you want to run an idea past the Leadership Council before submitting it, please feel free to email any of us. We have formed our new Leadership Council for February 2012-March 2013. The core team will remain, but we welcome new members Petra Schweitzer, Nick Hartmann, Lebzy Gonzales, Matthew Schlecht, and Susanna Weerth. Thank you to Tim Hanes, Patricia Thickstun and Romina Marazzato for serving for the last year, and to the others who are …
We have been working on finding distinguished speakers for San Diego and have recommended two people to the conference organizer. It is also time for you to submit your proposals. Submit them here: by March 12, 2012. If you want to run an idea past the Leadership Council before submitting it, please feel free to email any of us. Speaking of the Leadership Council, we formed it in February 2011 on a one-year basis, so at the end of this month we will renew it for a further year. The core team will remain, but some people will leave …