The deadline for submitting proposals for the ATA conference in Chicago is March 10th. See for details. If you want to run an idea past the Leadership Council before submitting it, please feel free to email any of us. We have posted three new articles on our blog: “Interview with Stephen Schwanbeck, French-English Translator”, by Amy Lesiewicz “Review of Karen Tkaczyk’s presentation: ST-1: Problems, Solutions, and Precipitates: Translating for the Pharmaceutical, Chemical, and Cosmetics Industries, presented at the ATA 54th Annual Conference in San Antonio”, reviewed by Alicja Yarborough “Glossaries for Environmental Science”, by Abigail Dahlberg The latest report …
Mery Molenaar
We would like to encourage our members to submit presentation proposals for the ATA 55th Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, November 5-8, 2014. You can learn more about the process by watching Corinne McKay’s recent free webinar on the topic, “How to Write a Winning ATA Conference Proposal” []. The deadline for submissions is March 10, 2014. For more information, visit Karen Tkaczyk’s recent webinar on “Technical Writing for ‘into English’ Translators” is now available on demand from the ATA website: We have posted a 2013 “Year In Review” article on the division blog:
Happy 2014 from the Science & Technology Division! As they step down, we would like to thank Nick Hartmann, Tess Whitty and Susanna Weerth for their service on the Leadership Council over the past few years. We have posted three new reviews from the ATA 54th annual conference on our blog: “Time for a New Hip?”, presented by Joanne Archambault and reviewed by Joan L. Wallace “Going All-In: a Good Gamble”, presented by Christos Floros and reviewed by Karen Tkaczyk “Beautiful Translations: Foundations for the Personal Care and Cosmetics Industry”, presented by Karen Tkaczyk and reviewed by Mery Molenaar We …
Congratulations to Karen Tkaczyk and Alicja Yarborough! Karen was re-elected as Division Administrator and Alicja was elected as Assistant Administrator during the Division’s Annual General Meeting in San Antonio. Both will serve for two years. Many thanks to Matthew Schlecht, outgoing Assistant Administrator, for his service to the division. The minutes of the Annual General Meeting can be found on the blog and on the “Official Business” section of the website. We have posted two new articles on our blog: “On Being Human, Small, and Vulnerable”, by Judy Jenner “ATA54 Session Preview: Time for a New Hip?”, by Joanne Archambault …
It is not too late to register for the division’s brewery site tour in San Antonio! If you don’t want to pay by PayPal, just email Karen Tkaczyk at karen[at]mcmillantranslation[dot]com to be added to the list and bring a check or cash with you. Meet in the hotel lobby at 2:20 pm Depart: hotel lobby at 2:30 pm Return: about 5 pm Cost: $25 We have posted four new articles by Amy Lesiewicz on our blog: “ATA54 Session Preview: Achieving a Synthesis” “Roundup of SciTech Division Events at ATA54” “ATA54 Session Preview: Going All-In” “Looking Forward to ATA54: Science and …
The ATA 54th Annual Conference Mobile App is now available. The app can be accessed through web browsers and a variety of devices (iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, or Android phone or tablet) and features a variety of scheduling and networking tools. You can create a personal profile to share with attendees and vendors, distribute your resume, view handouts and slides, and contact speakers. Social networking sites are also integrated into the app. See for additional details. Please register for the division’s brewery site tour in San Antonio as early as possible. Spaces are still available but are running out fast. …
As part of the activities in San Antonio, the Science & Technology Division is organizing a brewery site tour and beer tasting. The Blue Star Brewing Company will take us in their bio-diesel bus to one of their breweries for a plant tour, then provide a tasting and light appetizers. Register and pay in advance. Cost: $25. First come, first served. The bus seats 44 people. (See reservation and payment information below.) WHEN: Wednesday, November 6 Meet up in the hotel lobby at 2:20pm. Depart the conference hotel lobby at2:30pm. Return about 5:00pm. WHERE: Blue Star Brewing Company 1414 S …
Registration for the ATA’s 53rd Annual Conference in San Diego (November 6-9, 2013) is now open. Two distinguished speaker proposals from S&TD were selected for the Annual Conference. Presentation topicss that will be of interest to S&TD members include: pharmaceuticals, offshore oil-drilling, chemistry, hip implants, astrophysics, virology, explosives, gambling and architectural design. The full schedule of the S&TD sessions and related presentations is now available at the ATA website. We have posted four new articles on our blog []: “More resources for technical and scientific translators”, by Débora C. de D’Eramo “Interview with Nicholas Hartmann, German, French, and Italian to …
Registration for the ATA’s 54th Annual Conference in San Antonio (November 6-9, 2013) [] opens this month. Presentation topics that will be of interest to S&TD members include: chemistry, oil and gas, prosthetics, virology, explosives and architecture. Stay tuned for the full schedule of S&TD sessions and related presentations. We have posted four new articles on our blog []: “Interview with Karen Tkaczyk, PhD, French-English Chemistry Translator and Science and Technology Division Administrator”, by Amy Lesiewicz “More resources for technical and scientific translators”, by Débora C. de D’Eramo “Interview with Tess Whitty, English-Swedish IT and Marketing Translator”, by Amy Lesiewicz …
We have posted three new articles on our blog “Interview with Débora C. de D’Eramo, English-Spanish Translator”, by Amy Lesiewicz “Resources for scientific and technical translators”, by Débora C. de D’Eramo “Interview with Alicja Yarborough, PhD, English-Polish Scientific Translator”, by Amy Lesiewicz Comments and contributions to the blog are always welcome! Thank you to those of you who have sent us ideas for site tours in San Antonio. We are still in the planning stages and could use your help! If interested, please contact Karen Tkaczyk (karen at mcmillantanslation dot com).