We are delighted to have Distinguished Speaker Marcia Riefer Johnston confirmed for ATA 56 in Miami. Her session will be a Preconference Seminar on November 4. If you would like to organize a social event for the division in Miami—anything from a dinner to a site tour—please get in touch with Karen Tkaczyk [karen@mcmillantranslation.com]. We have posted a new article on our blog: “Busted by the Copyright Police,” by Matthew Schlecht Did you know that our Division has a Facebook group? Join us and share information related to ATA Science and Technology Division activities or that may interest the members.
Mery Molenaar
Thank you to everyone who submitted proposals for the annual conference in Miami! We will be posting updates about the conference program as they become available. Have you read the blog lately? We welcome posts on items related to scientific and technical translation. Did you know that our Division has a LinkedIn group? Join us and share information that may interest other S&TD members. The New England Translators Association (NETA) will be hosting its 19th annual conference in Natick, MA on May 9, featuring keynote speaker Dr. Arthur Goldhammer, award-winning translator of Thomas Piketty’s bestseller Capital in the 21st Century. …
The website for the ATA conference in Miami is now up! Visit https://www.atanet.org/conf/2015/ for more information about registration, accommodation, and the conference schedule. We have posted two new articles on our blog: “ST-5: Grannies, Freds, and LSD: A Non-Pedestrian Introduction to Bicycles,” a review by Robert Sette “Christiane Feldmann-Leben on the Whys and Hows of Hydrogen Fuel Cells,” a review by Kate Forster The Division has formed a new Leadership Council for December 2014–November 2015. The core team will remain, but we welcome new member Carola Berger, who will co-administer the Facebook group. Thank you to Sarah Koby for her …
We would like to encourage our members to submit presentation proposals for the ATA 56th Annual Conference to be held in Miami on November 4-7, 2015 . The deadline for submissions is March 2. You can learn more about the process by watching Corinne McKay’s free webinar on the topic, “How to Write a Winning ATA Conference Proposal”. For more information, visit www.atanet.org/conferencesandseminars/proposal.php. Two new articles are now available on the blog: A review of by Patricia Thickstun’s ATA55 presentation, “Updating Your Knowledge of Science and Technology Innovations,” by Karen Tkaczyk “2015 in Review,” by Karen Tkaczyk and Alicja Yarborough …
Happy New Year from the Science and Technology Division! May 2015 bring you many promptly paying clients who send exciting projects with reasonable deadlines. The deadline to recommend Distinguished Speakers for the 2015 Annual Conference in Miami is January 15. Distinguished Speakers should be recognized experts in their field and non-ATA members who have not presented at a previous Annual Conference. Their proposals should be exceptional. Each division may identify one or two potential Distinguished Speakers. Please refer to the Divisions Handbook for details about the nomination process. If you have questions, please contact Jamie Padula (jamie at atanet.org) or …
A Nominating Committee was formed by acclamation at the Annual Meeting of the Division during the ATA Conference in Chicago. Its members (Abigail Dahlberg, Patricia Thickstun, and Steve Marzuola) will have a full year to select candidates for the 2015 S&TD elections. The minutes of the Annual General Meeting can be found on the blog and on the “Official Business” section of the website. We have posted three new presentations to the website’s “Conference Materials” section: “Chromatography for Technical Translators”, by Matthew Schlecht, PhD “Grannies, Freds and LSD: A Non-Pedestrian Introduction to Bicycles”, by Carola F. Berger “Terminology in Integrated …
The ATA 55th Annual Conference Mobile App is now available, featuring a variety of scheduling and networking tools. You can: Create a personal profile to share with attendees and vendors Upload your resume View handouts and slides Submit evaluations Contact speakers Create a personal schedule and receive schedule updates Find local attractions and restaurants The app can be accessed through web browsers and several devices (iPhones, iPads, or Android phones/tablets). Attendees will receive a username and password by email after registration. See https://www.atanet.org/conf/2014/app.htm for additional details.
The ATA 55th Annual Conference in Chicago (November 5-8) is fast approaching! Early registration ends on October 3. New hotel rooms have been made available at the DoubleTree Chicago Magnificent Mile. Join us for the following division events: Open House at 7pm on Wednesday, November 5 Dinner at 7pm on Thursday, November 6 Breakfast Meeting at 7:30am on Friday, November 7 Annual Meeting at 12:45pm on Friday, November 7 Payment for the S&TD dinner must be received by October 29. Please see the blog for the menu and payment details. * A summary of the upcoming S&TD presentations is now …
ATA’s 55th Annual Conference in Chicago (November 5-8, 2014) is fast approaching! Early registration ends on October 3rd [https://www.atanet.org/conf/2014/register.htm]. ATA members can save $80 over the standard registration fee. Registered attendees will be able to begin using the conference app later this month. The Science & Technology Division will hold a networking dinner at Emilio’s Tapas, one of Chicago’s most popular restaurants (winner of a Critics’ Choice Award for 5 years in a row). WHEN: Thursday, November 6 at 7:00pm WHERE: Emilio’s Tapas 215 East Ohio Street Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 467-7177 | www.emiliostapas.com RESERVATION AND PAYMENT: Price (includes tax …
Registration is now open for the ATA’s 55th Annual Conference in Chicago (November 5-8, 2014). The final conference schedule includes 175 presentations, 15 of which directly cover science and technology topics. Learn more. ATA 55 will also feature 12 preconference seminars on topics such as technical writing, terminology, and website optimization [https://www.atanet.org/conf/2014/seminars.php]. This year’s preconference schedule will include, for the first time, 4 in-depth training sessions on translation tools. Learn more.