Registration for the ATA’s 53rd Annual Conference in San Diego (November 6-9, 2013) is now open. Two distinguished speaker proposals from S&TD were selected for the Annual Conference.
Presentation topicss that will be of interest to S&TD members include: pharmaceuticals, offshore oil-drilling, chemistry, hip implants, astrophysics, virology, explosives, gambling and architectural design.
The full schedule of the S&TD sessions and related presentations is now available at the ATA website.
We have posted four new articles on our blog [https://ata-sci-tech.blogspot.com/]:
- “More resources for technical and scientific translators”, by Débora C. de D’Eramo
- “Interview with Nicholas Hartmann, German, French, and Italian to English Translator”, by Amy Lesiewicz
- “Some MS Word Tips and Tricks”, by Amy Lesiewicz