July 2013

by Mery Molenaar

Registration for the ATA’s 54th Annual Conference in San Antonio (November 6-9, 2013) [https://www.atanet.org/conf/2012/index.htm] opens this month. Presentation topics that will be of interest to S&TD members include: chemistry, oil and gas, prosthetics, virology, explosives and architecture. Stay tuned for the full schedule of S&TD sessions and related presentations.

We have posted four new articles on our blog [https://ata-sci-tech.blogspot.com/]:

  • “Interview with Karen Tkaczyk, PhD, French-English Chemistry Translator and Science and Technology Division Administrator”, by Amy Lesiewicz
  • “More resources for technical and scientific translators”, by Débora C. de D’Eramo
  • “Interview with Tess Whitty, English-Swedish IT and Marketing Translator”, by Amy Lesiewicz
  • “SLD Member Amy Lesiewicz Wins Translation Prize”, by Jen Guernsey (reposted with permission from the Slavic Languages Division)

Comments and contributions to the blog are always welcome!

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