January 2023

by Mery Molenaar

Happy 2023 from all of us at the Science & Technology Division!

Did you know…

  • the ATA64 website is now available to learn more about the conference or book your hotel?
  • ATA is accepting proposals for 15-, 30- and 60-minute presentations for the 64th Annual Conference in Miami? Presentation proposals are due by March 2, so don’t wait to long. We are looking forward to receiving many proposals in the Science & Technology T&I category.
  • Pavitra Baxi is our new Twitter Admin? We would like to thank outgoing Twitter Admin Romina Marazzato Sparano for her dedication and contributions as she served on our Leadership Council for many years.
  • our new LinkedIn page already has 64 followers? Check it out now and follow us!
  • we organize bimonthly virtual networking events? Thank you to everyone who attended in January. Our next meeting will be held in March, so stay tuned for more information!

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