August 2023

As the summer winds down, we are getting ready for ATA64, the 2023 annual ATA Conference (October 25-28), in Miami. Early registration is available until September 16, so visit the ATA 64 website today to register and to book your hotel!

ATA64 Conference Sessions

Congratulations to all S&TD members who have been selected to present at the conference. Check out our list of ATA64 Annual Conference S&TD Events and Sessions on our blog that may be of special interest to our members.

ATA64 Division Dinner – October 26

This year, we are excited to hold our traditional conference division dinner together with the Medical Division to allow for more networking opportunities. Please join us at Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita for mingling and a sit-down dinner in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. Space is limited, so reserve your spot early. Visit the dinner registration page for more information about the restaurant and how to register.

2023 Annual Division Meeting

Our 2023 Annual Division Meeting will be held by Zoom during the third week of September. We do not know the exact date yet, so please stay tuned for more information.

“SciTech Translated” Podcast

Listen to podcast host Valerie Verona in an interview with Sarah Silva: From working with Elemental Metals to Working with Words in the second episode of our SciTech Translated podcast, available on Spotify or Soundcloud.

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