Leadership Council News

Last month, our social media coordinator and Facebook admin, Isabel Lansberry, stepped down from her position due to family reasons. We thank Isabel for her work for the S&TD during her time on the Leadership Council.

At this point, we will not be looking for a replacement to fill her role, but we are still looking for someone to join our team as Blog Co-editor. If you enjoy writing and are a team player who can meet deadlines, this may be a great way for you to get involved with the division.

Contact Mery and Heike at divisionS_TD@atanet.org if you are interested or for more information about this role.

Virtual Networking

Our next virtual networking event will be held on Friday, July 19 at 12 noon ET. As always, this event is for S&TD members only and registration is required. To join, send an email to ATASciTechEvents@gmail.com to receive a Zoom link.

Blog & Podcast

We believe everyone has a unique story and valuable insights to share, and we’d love to highlight those in an interview with our members. If you’re interested in being interviewed for either our podcast or blog, please let us know. Don’t worry if you’re not sure what to talk about—we’re here to help with that!

We recently posted an interview with Isabel Lansberry on our website blog. Isabel served as our social media coordinator and Facebook Admin for the last six months. Read more about her fascinating background as a medical professional and how she journeyed into the world of translation.

We are also continuing interviews on our SciTech Translated podcast. Listen to episode 5, an interview with Dean Evans, a patent translator working from German, Spanish and French into English. Or stay tuned for episode 6 coming soon!

S&TD Dinner at ATA65

It may not feel like it right now, but October is just around the corner. Mark your calendars for our S&TD get-together on Friday evening, November 1, at McMenamins Broadway Pub in Portland, Oregon. More information about the menu and registration will follow in the next few weeks.

ATA65 Student Research Poster

If you attended ATA63 in Los Angeles, you may remember the research poster by Patricia Worsley at the Welcome Celebration. We have received approval from the conference organizer to have one or two displays once again this year. We will send out a call for proposals soon, but if you are a student member or know a student member who would like to participate, please contact us at divisionS_TD@atanet.org for more information.

Stay in Touch!

Sign up, join or follow us and get involved with the S&TD on our social media channels or email discussion group. We would love to hear from you!

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