April 2024


Thank you to all of you who have submitted a proposal under the Science & Technology T&I  topic. We are looking forward to some great presentations. Did you know that the ATA65 website is already available? Visit now for a sneak preview of the conference and to book your hotel reservation.

If you are living in the Portland area we would love to get your input on a venue for our traditional conference dinner. Please contact Mery at divisionS_TD@atanet.org if you know any good restaurants within walking distance from the Oregon Convention Center.

Episode 5 of “SciTech Translated” Podcast

The next episode of our “SciTech Translated” podcast is now available on Soundcloud and Spotify. In this episode, Valeria chats with patent translator Dean Evans about his work. Dean Evans is a translator and editor based in Southeast England. He works from German, Spanish and French into English, specializing in patents with a particular focus on patent litigation and mechanical and electrical engineering. More information about this and previous episodes is available on the podcast page of our website.

Virtual Networking Hour

Our next networking hour will be held on May 3 at 12 PM ET. This will be another informal meetup where we will split into breakout rooms and use optional prompts to guide the discussion. You can find out more information in the Events section of our website.

Please send your RSVP to atascitechevents@gmail.com to receive a Zoom link to attend.

We hope to see you in May!

SciTech Virtual Networking May 3 2024

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