Happy 2024 from all of us at the Science & Technology Division!
ATA65 Call for Speakers

Did you know that the Call for Speakers for the 65th Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon is open? Proposals for presentations are due by March 1! We are looking forward to seeing many excellent proposals in the Science & Technology topic this year. Visit www.atanet.org/ata65/call-for-speakers/ for more information about the process and a video to help you write an engaging proposal, or If you want to run an idea past the Leadership Council before submitting it, please feel free to email us at divisionS_TD@atanet.org.
Introducing our new Social Media Coordinator

We are excited to introduce Isabel Lansberry. Isabel has joined the Leadership Council as our new Social Media Coordinator and Facebook Admin. Isabel is a Spanish medical translator, writer and terminologist. She has an M.D. and currently works as the lead Spanish translator at Publicis Sapient, where she works with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to translate and review cancer information summaries for healthcare professionals and for the general public. Please help me welcome Isabel to the team!
Virtual Networking Hour

We will be hosting our next networking hour on January 31 at 12 PM ET. This will be another informal meetup where we will split into breakout rooms and use optional prompts to guide the discussion. You can find out more information here on our website Please send your RSVP to atascitechevents@gmail.com to receive a Zoom link to attend. As always, this event is for S&TD members only. Not a member yet? Join now!