Annual Division Meeting
Thank you everyone who attended our Annual Meeting on September 26. The agenda, slides and minutes of this year’s meeting as well as previous meetings are available on the website under Resources > Annual Division Meetings.
Leadership Council Update
We have welcomed two new members to our Leadership Council: Valeria Verona and Gene Hsu. You may know Valeria from our podcast “SciTech Translated” and we are happy that she has joined our Leadership Council as a general support person. Gene Hsu has joined us as Blog Co-Editor working together with Pavitra. The team is already working on the next article, so stay tuned!
ATA65 – S&TD Division Dinner
If you are going to Portland in October for ATA65, we hope you will join us on Friday, November 1 at McMenamins Broadway Pub for our S&TD Dinner. For only $25 we will enjoy a variety of vegetarian and meat appetizers, including a salad, hot wings, hummus with pita bread, fries and tacos. Soft drinks, iced tea and lemonade are included, and beer, wine, cider or additional food items can be ordered at your own cost. Visit the dinner registration page for more information and to register. Please make sure to use Friends & Family when paying with PayPal to avoid extra fees.
ATA65 – Student Research Posters
This year, we will have as many as three student research posters on display at ATA65. Cailan Adams, Maria Reeves and Miana Martinez, all three students at Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado, will be ready to talk to you about their research during the Welcome Reception on Wednesday, October 30. We are hoping that the posters will remain on display during the entire conference.
ATA65 – Sessions
We have published an article on our blog list of ATA65 sessions and events that may be of interest to our members. We especially recommend the three sessions under the Main Topic “Science and Technology T&I”:
- Mining 101: The Basics for Every Translator and Interpreter
Presented by: Sadot Márquez and Pedro Valdez
Thursday, October 31, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. - Mining 102: Advanced Insights for Translators and Interpreters
Presented by: Sadot Márquez and Pedro Valdez
Friday, November 1, 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. - The Characterization of Chemistry
Presented by Matthew Schlecht
Saturday, November 2, 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
In addition, two members of the S&TD Leadership Council, Carola Berger and Gene Hsu, will be presenting “Can You Build Your Own Neural Machine Translation Engine” and “Subtitling Translation Strategies from English into Traditional Chinese: A Case Study of the 2012 Musical Film Les Misérables” respectively.
“SciTech Translated” Podcast
Almost two years after launching our pilot episode, we have decided to discontinue our podcast “SciTech Translated”. We would like to thank our dedicated team, Heike Holthaus, Patricia Fonseca and Valeria Verona for their dedication and countless hours of work behind the scenes. Links to the six existing episodes will remain on the podcast page, and are available on Spotify and Soundcloud. Listen to our latest podcast episode with Alejandra Jorge, English-Spanish translator teacher of technical translation from Buenos Aires, Argentina.