Please join us for a field trip to Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden to wander among lush vegetation. WHEN Sunday, November 8, 2015 11am: Leaving the Hyatt WHERE Going to Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden by shuttle pickup from the front entrance of the Hyatt hotel, 9.5 miles away. 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, FL 305-667-1651 ADMISSION Admission to Fairchild ($25) includes all collections and exhibits, a narrated tram tour (weather permitting) and guided tours. Tickets are sold at the entrances. The garden accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and travelers checks. Possible interest point: Wings of the Tropics, …
ATA 56th Annual Conference Welcome CelebrationATA welcomes you to Miami! This is the event that starts it all. Everyone you hope to see and meet will be there. Reunite with friends and colleagues, and mingle with this year’s speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors. Here’s your chance to get to know ATA’s Divisions! Divisions are professional interest groups providing specialty- and language-specific networking. Connect with fellow Division members, leadership, and newcomers. Come celebrate the ATA 56th Annual Conference! Wednesday • 5:30pm – 7:00pm
More details to follow… email for more information and to reserve your spot.
Please join us for dinner at Ristorante Fratelli Milano to see old friends again and to meet new ones. WHEN Thursday, November 5, 6:15pm WHERE Ristorante Fratelli Milano 213 SE First Street Miami, FL 33131 (312) 467-7177 _______________________________________________________________________ MENU _______________________________________________________________________ * FIRST COURSE Choose one of the following: RUCOLA E MANDORLE Arugula, grape tomatoes, pear, goat cheese, almonds, raspberry dressing CAPRESE Fresh sliced tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic reduction * MAIN COURSE Choose one of the following: FIOCCHI DI PERA & TALEGGIO Pasta stuffed with pear and taleggio cheese, sage butter sauce TAGLIATELLE …
Friday, November 7, 2014 Chicago Division Administrator Karen Tkaczyk called the meeting to order and introduced the agenda. The agenda was accepted. Karen then introduced the Leadership Council for the year ending. This included Iryna Ashby (webmaster), who was not present, and Alicja Yarborough (Assistant Administrator), Amy Lesiewicz (blog editor), Stefanie Strobel (event coordinator), Matthew Schlecht (Yahoo group moderator), and Lebzy Gonzalez (website assistant). Brief reports were given regarding division activity in the past year, with suggestions for the coming year. You can find the complete Annual Meeting minutes in the Resources section of this website.
Please join us for dinner at Emilio’s Tapas, one of the most popular restaurants of Chicago (Critics’ Choice Award 5 years in a row), to see old friends again and to meet new ones. WHENThursday, November 6, 7:00pm WHEREEmilio’s Tapas215 East Ohio StreetChicago, IL 60611(312) 467-7177www.emiliostapas.com_______________________________________________________________________________ MENU_______________________________________________________________________________ TAPAS FRIAS BERENJENAS BRASEADAS Grilled Eggplant rolled with goat cheese, garnished with tomato and arugula CANELÓN FRÍO DE ATÚN Cannelloni filled with tuna, asparagus, basil and tomato, topped with creamy white wine vinaigrette PAN CON TOMATE, JAMÓN Y QUESO Tomato bread with Spanish Serrano ham and Manchego cheese PATATAS CON ALIOLI Emilio’s Famous …
by Matthew Schlecht The ATA Science & Technology Division has a solid program at the ATA 55th Annual Conference, with content that will appeal to the inner geek in all of us. S&TD includes translators working in a wide variety of language pairs with a focus on scientific and technical subject matter. Some of the S&TD presentations do have a specific language pair focus, while others discuss only subject matter, but all address the unique constellation of terminology, style, register, and background that are necessary to do translation work in this area. Our Distinguished Speaker for 2014 is Dr. Christiane …
Here’s a roundup of the SciTech division events at this year’s annual conference. Science & Technology Division Brewery Site Tour Wednesday, November 6 • 2:00pm • Registration and payment required Please join members of our group for a plant tour of the Blue Star Brewing Company. A tasting and light appetizers will be provided. Cost: $25.00 per person (includes tax and gratuity). For details and to reserve your place on the tour, preferably by November 4, contact Karen Tkaczyk at Division Open House Wednesday, November 6 • 7:00pm – 8:00pm • Open to registered attendees Meet and mingle with …
As part of the program in San Antonio, the Science and Technology Division is organizing a brewery site tour and beer tasting. On Wednesday, November 6, the Blue Star Brewing Company will take us in their bio-diesel bus to one of their breweries for a plant tour, then provide a tasting and light appetizers. Depart: hotel lobby at 2:30 pm Return: about 5 pm Cost: $25 Meet in the hotel lobby at 2:20 pm. Register and pay in advance. First come, first served. The bus seats 44 people. Register with Karen Tkaczyk. Pay by PayPal (send money to or by check. Mail to: …
The American Translators Association will hold its Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas November 6–9, 2013. It is our goal here at the SciTech blog to provide a preview of some of the sessions that will be of interest to scientific and technical translators. The ST track looks very promising! Steven Marzuola will be presenting Offshore Oil and Gas Technology (ST-3, Thursday, 4:00pm–5:00pm). The brief description from the conference website reads: “This session will provide an introduction to offshore oil and gas exploration and production. The discussion will include descriptions of the major technological developments that enable the production of oil and gas …