GLD List
One of the benefits of GLD membership is access to the members-only listserv, otherwise known as “The GLD List.” Described as “die Liste, wo einiges los ist” – the GLD List provides an opportunity for members to collaborate with and learn from each other. Subscribers pose questions, assist others by responding to queries or simply follow the conversation.
As the previous Listmaster, Gerhard Preisser puts it: “Wer helfen kann, hilft; wer eine Antwort weiß, hält damit nicht hinterm Berg. Kollegialität und Kooperation werden großgeschrieben. Die auf unserer Liste vertretenen Übersetzer und Dolmetscher konkurrieren nicht miteinander – sie inspirieren einander, und ich habe das außerordentliche Vergnügen, diesen regen, auf höchster Kompetenz und viel gutem Willen beruhenden Austausch moderieren zu dürfen.”
Joining the List is as easy as 1, 2, 3:
- Send an email to:
- In the subject line, enter: subscribe gldlist
- In the body of your email, write your: email address, full name, ATA membership number
After your registration is confirmed, you will be able to send and receive emails to and from the List ( All emails sent to this address are delivered to all subscribers.
If you have any questions about subscribing or unsubscribing, or to report a technical error, please email our GLD Listmaster, Rainer Klett at
Once you are a member of the GLD List, it’s easy to manage your subscription, stop emails while you’re on vacation or change the email address for sending and receiving group emails.
To change how you receive messages:
- Sign in at
- Select Subscription and change the setting under Email Delivery. There are several options to choose from, including Individual Emails, Full Featured Digest, Daily Summary, Daily Digest (one email with all the day’s messages) and more. The No Email option is a great one for vacations to reduce the amount of email you have to sift through upon return.
To change your email address:
- Sign in at
- Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner and select Account
- Enter the new address and click on Change Email
- Check whether the correct email is selected under Email Address on the Account page
- If not, simply select the new address and that’s that!
Please download and read the GLD List Netiquette before subscribing to the GLD List.
Payment practices and rates
ATA division mailing lists are not places to discuss rates or related matters. In fact, ATA’s policies prohibit it. Please refer to the GLD List Netiquette as well as this information and advice from the GLD administration.