interaktiv is the biannual newsletter of the German Language Division, published in the winter and summer each year. It provides GLD members with division updates and news, interesting industry-related articles from GLD members and others, dictionary and book reviews, a calendar of events and so much more.

Each issue of interaktiv is made available as a PDF you can download and read anywhere. Find past issues dating back to March 1999 below.

Latest interaktiv issue

Download you copy today to find:

  • Feature articles on the varied and fascinating volunteer activities GLD members are involved in aside from the GLD/ATA
  • An update from our GLD Administrator, Karen Leube
  • (Translation) Notes from the Homeland from our European Coordinator, Ellen Yutzy Glebe
  • ATA65 Conference Primer
  • Translator in Profile interview with Karen Leube
  • A review of the award-winning translation of Jenny Erpenbeck’s award-winning novel Kairos
  • And much more!

PAST interaktiv ISSUES