ATA’s 56th Annual Conference in Miami (November 4-7, 2015) is fast approaching!
Join us for the following division events:
- Welcome Celebration at 5:30pm on Wednesday, November 4
- Annual Meeting at 12:30pm on Thursday, November 5
- Dinner at 6:15pm on Thursday, November 5
- Post-Conference Field Trip at 11am on Sunday, November 8
Payment for the S&TD dinner must be received by October 28. Please see the blog for the menu and payment details.
We have posted three new articles on our blog:
- “Introducing New Administrator for the Science and Technology Division,” an interview with Lebzy González, PhD, Spanish into English Translator
- “Looking forward to ATA56 in Miami, November 4,” by Amy Lesiewicz
- “Science and Technology Division Post-Conference Field Trip,” by Amy Lesiewicz