Home News2015 News Archive December 2015

December 2015

by Mery Molenaar

Lebzy González and Carola Berger began their terms as Division Administrator and Assistant Administrator, respectively, during the Division’s Annual General Meeting in Miami. Both will serve for two years. Many thanks to Karen Tkaczyk and Alicja Yarborough, outgoing Division Administrator and Assistant Administrator, for their service to the division. The minutes of the Annual General Meeting can be found on the blog and on the “Official Business” section of the website.

We have posted one new article on our blog:

  • “Preconference seminar review: Teach Your Text to Strip with Marcia Johnston,” by Jesse Tomlinson

We have also posted photographs of the ATA56 field trip to Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden on our Facebook group and added the latest report from the Administrator to the ATA Board under the website’s “Official Business” tab.

Don’t forget to visit our LinkedIn group and follow our Twitter account, @ATASCiTech.

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