Home News2020 News Archive February 2020

February 2020

by Science & Technology Division

Planning for ATA61 and new blog posts

The old Yahoo discussion group has been successfully moved to the new group on groups.io. If you are not yet a member, you can join here.

The annual ATA conference in Palm Springs was a great success. Thank you to everybody who contributed or participated. Our webmaster Naomi de Moraes uploaded some conference materials onto the S&TD website.

Our outgoing and incoming blog editors were busy and posted two interesting articles, one on the difference between “accurate” and “precise” and one on website SEO. Check out the contributions in our blog. If you have an idea for a blog post or would like to contribute an article, let our blog editors Pavitra Baxi and Heike Holthaus know.

Finally, planning for ATA61, to be held October 21-24, 2020, in Boston, Massachusetts, is underway. If you want to help with organizing the S&TD dinner or want to help with organizing a science-y or techy excursion, possibly to the Boston Museum of Science, please let us know at divisionS_TD@atanet.org. Organizing the dinner usually requires two people, one to arrange the restaurant and one to keep track of reservations and collect the money, though this can mostly be automated through the website. If you’d like to present in the science and technology track, the proposals are due by March 2nd, 2020. The submission form can be found here. If you have any questions regarding the proposal submission process or any other suggestions for the science and technology portion of ATA61, please let us know at divisionS_TD@atanet.org.

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