June 2016

by Mery Molenaar

Proposal acceptances for ATA 57 are beginning to arrive. Some topics that will be of interest to S&TD members include:

  • “English for Environmental Content: Working with NGOs and Financial/Multilateral Institutions,” by Melissa Harkin
  • “Beyond Navigation – Established and Emerging Satellite Applications,” by Karl Pfeiffer
  • “Translating Poincaré: French, Mathematical-Physics and Chaos,” by Bruce Popp
  • “CRISPR gene editing – from tailored gene therapy to species engineering,” by Tapani Ronni
  • “What goes there? The inception and development of chemical regulatory legislation,” by Matthew Schlecht

Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to help organize a division dinner during ATA 57. We are still in the planning stages and could use your suggestions, particularly any field trip ideas. Please send your comments to divisionS_TD[at]atanet.org.

ATA’s keyboarded exam is back! ATA will be offering computerized exam sittings at ATA57 along with handwritten ones. For more information, see www.atanet.org/newsbriefs/2016_may_31.php#ATANews_Story_10689.

We have posted two new articles on our blog:

  • “The Beginning of Wisdom: Some practical aspects of technical translation,” by Nicholas Hartmann
  • “Why You Should Participate in the School Outreach Program,” by Molly Yurick

Comments and contributions to the blog are always welcome! Please send your ideas to Amy Lesiewicz.

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