A brief note to mark S&TD’s first full new year since since it was re-established. Happy New Year to you all. May your practices thrive and grow and may low-paying, tiresome clients be a thing of the past!
Our trusty blog editor Stephanie Strobel broke her femur while skiing in December, so I’m writing… We wish her a speedy, complete recovery.
At last count the division had 483 members. Welcome to the large group of new members who joined after the annual conference. Please feel free to introduce yourself in a comment. Some of you have joined the Yahoo mailing list, others the LinkedIn group, and others follow the blog. By posting some key items in all three places we hope to give as many members as possible a convenient way of keeping in touch and being involved.
The next task for the division administrators will be to find invited speakers for the Boston conference. That process happens early each year. We have some ideas, but please do let us know if you have speakers to recommend, especially if they are in the Boston area. Later we hope to arrange a strong program of S&TD sessions and a site visit, but the initial focus is on the invited speakers.
Thanks to all of you who have become involved with the division. We look forward to it growing and thriving in 2011.
Happy New Year 2011