Winter 2015 issue of interaktiv now available!

Dear GLD Members, The Winter 2015 edition of interaktiv is now available for download from the GLD website. Click here to download your own personal copy. (Find past issues here.) How many of us dream of taking full advantage of our freelancer freedom, trotting around the globe while […]

Call for Mentees and Mentors: The ATA Mentoring Program

Need to move your business forward? Have questions about technology, management, or clients? The ATA Mentoring Program may be just what you need. The program matches 30 mentees with mentors who can help them reach their specific goals. The one-year mentorship has proven to be […]

Call for Nominations: 2015 ATA Election

The 2015 Nominating and Leadership Development Committee is pleased to call for nominations from ATA’s membership to fill the positions of president-elect, secretary, and treasurer (each a two-year term), as well as three directors’ positions (each a three-year term). Elections will be held at the […]

Introducing GLD's new Conference Coordinator

Planning to submit a session proposal for ATA’s 56th Annual Conference in Miami? Please send a copy of your abstract and bio to Ruth Boggs, GLD’s new Conference Coordinator. That way we can keep a tally of all GLD members who might present in Miami […]

ATA: Call for presentation proposals

Presentation proposals are now being accepted for ATA’s 56th Annual Conference in Miami, Florida (November 4-7, 2015). Deadline is March 2, 2015. Find out more about How to Submit a Presentation Proposal for 2015 here. And watch ATA Board Member Corinne McKay’s very helpful (and FREE!) webinar on […]