School Outreach is now!

Make this the year you participate in the ATA School Outreach contest! This is not just an opportunity to win a free registration to this year’s ATA Annual Conference in San Francisco. It’s also an opportunity to give back to the profession, to show students […]

ATA Antitrust Policy Update

The ATA Board of Directors has approved a new antitrust policy to ensure the Association’s compliance with federal laws. What might seem like just another policy to some members is actually a very important document to all members. To read the policy and the accompanying […]

The executive summary of the ATA Compensation Survey 2015 is now available

In 2015, ATA invited translators, interpreters, and T&I company owners around the world to participate in a compensation survey. More than 1,500 of them responded. This industry-wide survey provides a comprehensive picture of the market for T&I services. The results are invaluable in managing your […]