Konferenzpräsentationen und Webinare von GLD-Mitgliedern
Viele GLD-Mitglieder haben auf den Jahreskonferenzen der ATA Vorträge gehalten. Einige stellen ihre Präsentationen freundlicherweise allen GLD-Mitgliedern zur Verfügung. Diese Präsentationen können Sie weiter unten herunterladen.
HINWEIS: Die Dateien in diesem Abschnitt („Konferenzpräsentationen“) dürfen nur zum persönlichen Gebrauch heruntergeladen werden. Jede andere Verwendung bedarf der schriftlichen Zustimmung des:der Autor:in.
Webinar (Juni 2024)
- Transatlantische Geschäftsbeziehungen: Eine Landkarte des deutsch-amerikanischen Geschäftslebens,
Gastreferentin Katrin Lange, IHK Düsseldorf
Webinar (März 2024)
- Deutsch ist nicht gleich Deutsch
- Sprachvarianten under der Lupe (Österreich), Bettina Schreibmaier-Clasen
- Die Besonderheiten der Schweiz, Rainer W. Dykowski
Webinar (Februar 2024)
9. GLD in Europe (Leipzig)
- Pragmatische Frames als Beschreibungsmodell für Funktionen sprachlicher Ausdrücke – am Beispiel von „bekanntlich“
- Creativity Training
- The New Kid on the Block: First Experiences with GenAI in Translation
- Teaming in Translation – Gesundheitsberufe und Dolmetschen
64. ATA Conference (Miami)
- Tech Talk, Translating for the Tech Industry
- Chemical Names, Chemical Structures
- Translating Business Organizational Forms
- GLD Professional Forum: Keeping up with the Evolving DE<>EN T&I Market
8. GLD in Europe (Mainz)
- Discussion: Empathy as a key to success as a freelancer
- Jay Marciano: MT, AI and the Language Professional
- AMA Manual of Style Workshop
63. ATA Conference (Los Angeles)
62. ATA Conference (Minneapolis)
Poly-what? A Translator’s Guide to Polymer Science
61. ATA Conference (online)
7. GLD in Europe (Erfurt)
60. ATA Conference (Palm Springs)
6. GLD in Europe (Tübingen)
59. ATA Conference (New Orleans)
- Creating the Lawyer-Linguist: 30 Years of Experience in Central Europe
- German Accounting Standard No. 20 and Non-Financial Reporting
- Language Services Providers: Servicing the Legal Professions
- Searching and Researching German to English Resources on the Internet
- Subtle Flavors of the Law: Filler Words in German Legal Texts
- The Language of Austrian Bureaucracy
58. ATA Conference (Washington DC)
- Translating Premodifying Attributes from English into German
- A Systematic Presentation of English Nonfinite Constructions and Their Translation into German
- German Orthography: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Passives, Punctuation, Particles, and Other Potential Pitfalls in German to English Translation
- German Corporate Governance Texts: A Translator’s Guide
57. ATA Conference (San Francisco)
- Gendergerecht formulieren in deutschen Übersetzungen
- German Immersion Strategies for Expatriates and other Deutsch-Fans • Handout
- Much Ado about Gluten: Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, and the Gluten-Free Diet Explained
- The ATA Mentoring Program • Example: Working with Project Managers 101
56. ATA Conference (Miami)
- School Outreach: 10 Years and Counting
- Ticken die Deutschen anders? Idiosyncrasies of doing business in Germany
- Beyond the Basics: Tips for Better Formatting in Microsoft Word
- Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies: Illegal Money or a New Global Payment Option?
- Die Leiden des steuerlichen Wertes
- Interpret This! Speechpool and the European Union Speech Repository
- Financial-Legal Weasel Words Revisited: An Interactive Discussion and Analysis for German to English Translators • Additional comments
55. ATA Conference (Chicago)
- Translation and the Former East Germany
- Insights into the Austrian Insurance Industry (requires PowerPoint)
- Neue deutsche Rechtschreibung für TranslatorInnen
- Those Pesky Terms… Stolpersteine Englisch/Deutsch
- School Outreach Made Easy
- Software Localization Quality Assurance from a Tester's Perspective: Slides
- Software Localization Quality Assurance from a Tester's Perspective: Proccedings
- Grannies, Freds, and LSD: A Non-Pedestrian Introduction to Bicycles
53. ATA Conference (San Diego)
- "ATA 2012 G-4 German Accounting Standards – Handouts
- Welcome to Wind Turbine Component Transportation & Logistics
Part 1 – Inland Movement || Part 2 – Vessels & Ports
52. ATA Conference (Boston)
- "False Friends": “Slippage” and the Peculiar Use of English in German-Language Texts
- How to Deal with More Data Than You Can Handle (requires PowerPoint)
50. ATA Conference (New York)
- Die Leiden des steuerlichen Wertes
- Tax Lexicon
- Web 2.0 for Translation Industry Professionals – Pt. 3: Twitter
- Approaches to Quality Assurance in Translation
- Übung zur Verständlichkeit
- SAP: An Overview of the Company and its Software
49. ATA Conference (Orlando)
48. ATA Conference (San Francisco)
- Clinical Trials – German<>English
- Glossary Clinical Trials (Ger / Eng)
- Probleme beim Übersetzen englischer Vertragstexte
- Impact of the European Transparency Directive on German Financial and Corporate Reporting
- Manchmal steckt der Teufel im Detail: Präpositionen in englischen Rechtstexten
- Vertriebsrecht
- Glossar Vertriebsrecht
- Bibliographie zum Vertriebsrecht
47. ATA Conference (New Orleans)
- Pitfalls in English to German Translations
- Quality Assurance for the Translation Industry
- Organizational Skills For a Successful Freelance Business
- Derivatives Explained
- Credit Derivatives are Leaving “iTraxx”
- Risk Management for Language Service Providers
- Health Care in Germany – PPT: The Status Quo
- Health Care in Germany – The Status Quo: Vocabulary/Resources
- Health Care in Germany – Anatomy for Ger/Eng Translators Text 1
- Health Care in Germany – Text 1 Glossary
- Health Care in Germany – Anatomy for Ger/Eng Translators Text 2
- Health Care in Germany – Text 2 Glossary
46. ATA Conference (Seattle)
- From the Trenches: Technical Translation Tactics for Today
- Deutsche Grammatik und andere Stolpersteine für Übersetzer
- Homepage Building for the Savvy Language Professional
- Searching and Researching on the Internet
- Financial Market Translation
- Financial Glossary
- Translators and Editors: The Case for “Preferred Partnerships”
- How to prepare for the English & German Certification Exam
- De-Hyping Translation Memory
- Introduction to Word Macros and Their Applications
44. ATA Conference (Phoenix)
- Glossar Klinische Prüfung (De-En)
- Glossary Clinical Trials (En-Ge)
- Klinische Prüfung – Eine Einführung
Andere Konferenzen
- Druckreif übersetzen – was kostet das?
4. ADÜ-Nord-Tage, 20. bis 22. Mai 2011, Hamburg