Fun blog about coast-to-coast train trip

Italian star columnist Beppe Severgnini (of Corriere della Sera) traveled in June with German journalist Karl Hoffmann (ARD’s correspondent in Italy) on a trans-American train ride from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon. The two journalists and a team of facilitators and translators recorded the journey […]

ATA 53rd Annual Conference

October 24-27, 2012 | Hilton San Diego Bayfront San Diego, California | The 53rd Annual Conference of the American Translators Association (ATA) will showcases diverse panel discussions, expert presentations, training workshops, and scholarly papers. Both general and language-specific sessions will be offered, not to […]

GLD 2012 Election: Candidate Statements

The Nominating Committee of the German Language Division is pleased to announce that the following Division members have been nominated as candidates in the upcoming election of officers: Administrator: Eva Stabenow Assistant Administrator: Michael Engley Please take a few minutes to read the following statements […]

ATA Webinar: What's in Your Kit?

The Medical Translator’s Guide to Navigating Clinical Trials and Investigational Documentation Presenter: Erin M. Lyons Date: July 19, 2012 Time: 12 Noon US Eastern Time Duration: 60 minutes CE Point(s): 1 It’s easy to lose sight of the “big picture.” Translators working in clinical trials […]

2012 Regional NATI Conference in August

Nebraska Association of Translators and Interpreters (NATI) will hold its 2012 Regional Conference in Grand Island, Nebraska, August 2-4, 2012. Learn more: