When ATA was established in 1959, there was no master plan to build a network of regional groups in support of the Association. But by late 1961, translators in the Philadelphia area had organized the Delaware Valley Translators Association (DVTA) and requested recognition as an ATA Chapter. A New York City Chapter (NYCT) soon followed.
Today’s ATA Chapters and Affiliates exist for much the same reasons as those early groups: continuing education and the opportunity to share ideas. Most importantly, just like the good old days, every ATA Chapter and Affiliate provides a community that goes above and beyond any online forum.
Look for the ATA Chapter or Affiliate closest to you and discover what getting involved locally has to offer.
Welcome to ATA’s newest Affiliate!
The Association of Translators and Interpreters in the San Diego Area (ATISDA) has been approved for Affiliate status by ATA’s Board of Directors. The group has been organizing professional development events in Southern California since February 2008. ATISDA is ATA’s 10th Affiliate.