Debunking Myths & Increasing Productivity

GLD Digital Events update This summer, I attended my first book club, where we met over five weeks to read and work through the book “The One Thing – The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results.” The organizer was well-prepared and kept the sharing and […]

Teaching Medical Language: More Than Words

Like many Western countries, Germany is facing a shortage of skilled labor, particularly in the health care sector. To address this shortfall, health care professionals are being recruited from various regions worldwide. The Triple Win program requires nurses wishing to work in Germany to achieve […]

Announcing the GLD Networking Dinner at ATA65 in Portland

Following last week’s blog post, in which Susanne Kraetschmer shared information about her beautiful city with us, today we are excited to announce the GLD Networking Dinner. Registration is now open! A big thank-you to Susanne for putting in a LOT of effort to find […]

Schon wieder ein Mord! Translating thrillers

Wer gerne mal in die Unterwelt eintaucht, natürlich nur literarisch, für den kann das Übersetzen von Thrillern eine bereichernde Abwechslung sein. Thriller zu lesen ist an sich schon spannend, sie zu übersetzen, noch viel mehr! Das Genre ist kulturell tief verwurzelt und beim Übersetzen hat […]


OR A Brit attempts gratitude for the language life. Before I bring our profession (and my reputation!) into disrepute, this article is not advocating a “wing it” approach. Solid, broad, deep and ever-fresh language skills, plus in-depth research and insight on any number of substantive […]

Connecting Virtually: GLD Members Explore US-German Business Relations

Von der Industrie- und Handelskammer, vor allem der Abkürzung IHK, haben wir alle sicherlich schon einmal gehört. Manche von uns haben vielleicht dort sogar schon eine Prüfung in Übersetzung abgeschlossen. Aber was die Aufgaben der Industrie- und Handelskammern sind und inwieweit diese im Rahmen der […]

Freelancing with ADHD

This blog post was originally published on Dorothee Racette’s own website,, and later on the ATA Business Practices Blog, Next Level, in a version covering other neurodivergent brain-based conditions.Dorothee shares a lot of information that can be helpful to those with ADHD, as well […]

GLD members from Germany and the US meet up in Cologne

When it comes to virtual meet-ups, the GLD offers a whole range of ways to bridge the distances between its members. Our GLD Listserv, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn pages, along with our division’s regular Zoom socials and educational events, create numerous opportunities for […]

Review of the 10th annual Netzwerktreffen der Hochschulübersetzer*innen

The 10th annual Netzwerktreffen der Hochschulübersetzer*innen, a gathering for university translators and freelancers working for universities in German-speaking countries, took place at the University of Mannheim on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. I was lucky enough to attend, along with 60+ other participants, including GLD Administrator […]

New interaktiv issue available

The 01/2024 issue of the German Language Division’s biannual newsletter—interaktiv—is now available for your reading pleasure. (Find past issues here.) The theme of this issue is Building (& Maintaining) a Sustainable T&I Career: Tips from GLD Members Download your copy today to find: Tips and advice […]

Review of Recent GLD Webinar: Deutsch ist nicht gleich Deutsch

On March 7th, GLD members Bettina Schreibmaier-Clasen and Rainer Dykowski presented a webinar to share their insights about the distinctive features of the German variants spoken and written in Austria and Switzerland. Attendees were located in the US, Canada, and Europe. Bettina began her presentation […]

German Language Division Photo Contest winners

Our GLD photo contest came to an end on February 29th, and we are pleased to announce that the winners are … drumroll, please … everyone who submitted photographs! It was just too hard to choose among all the incredible submissions we received. We would […]

Webinar Review: Introduction to Subtitle Edit

On February 8th, GLD member Kelly Neudorfer shared her experiences with using a freeware subtitling program called Subtitle Edit with 15 webinar attendees from US locations on both coasts and in the Midwest, as well as the three European DACH countries of Germany, Switzerland, and […]

German Language Division Photo Contest

We are excited to announce a special opportunity for our members – we are holding a photo contest! The winning entries will be displayed on the GLD website. Please send your submissions (as many as you want – the sky’s the limit) to by […]

The History of the GLD

Have you ever wondered how the GLD came to be, and how it changed through the years? How interaktiv got its name? When the GLD went online? When I became Webmaster in 2019, the previous Webmaster Jessica Lucio informed me the GLD History document on […]