Name: Sabine H. Seiler
LC position: Editor-in-Chief of interaktiv
Where are you originally from?
From a small town on the river Main, between Frankfurt and Wiesbaden, Germany.
Where do you currently live?
In Niskayuna, NY, near Albany
How did you become a translator/interpreter?
I studied English at university in Germany and then in the US and especially enjoyed the translation seminars; after my first translation assignment, I was hooked. I’ve been working as translator and editor (mostly English) ever since, both in-house for a publishing company and as independent professional in my own business.
What are your areas of specialization?
My work has been very varied, from academic, mostly philosophy and humanities, to business and legal texts and editing of translations.
What do you like about ATA?
I appreciate the networking and learning opportunities, the directory, and the professional standards.
Tell us about your position on the GLD Leadership Council.
After I’d been part of the interaktiv copyediting team for a few years, Marion Rhodes invited me to be her co-editor. She was getting ready to step away from her role as editor-in-chief, and during the year of working closely with her on interaktiv I learned about the details of publishing it. As new editor-in-chief of interaktiv I am now looking forward to working with the dedicated interaktiv volunteers on the 2025 issues.
Anything else you would like to share? (hobbies, interests, etc.)
Aside from languages and translation, my other passion is studying and teaching tai chi. I am a Tai Chi for Health certified instructor and have been teaching locally in various venues for several years now. My hobbies: swimming, gardening, reading.