Join the GLD at ATA65!


In a little more than a month, scads of translators and interpreters will be descending on Portland to network and share their knowledge. We hope many of our readers will be among the participants.

This year, it’s the GLD’s turn to invite a Distinguished Speaker and we are proud to feature Inga Schiffler, one of Germany’s eminent experts on easy-to-read language (“Leichte Sprache”). Inga is offering a two-part session on “Leichte Sprache” on Saturday morning (8:30 to 9:30 am, 10:15 to 11:15 am).

The GLD Leadership Council will be well represented among the conference sessions:

The GLD Professional Forum on “Ethical Challenges in the German-English/English-German T&I Business” will also take place on Saturday morning (11:30 am – 12:30 pm) will be moderated by GLD Administrator Karen Leube, GLD Assistant Administrator Robin Limmeroth, and GLD Social Media Coordinator Noah Alter. After a “fish bowl discussion”, all participants will have a chance to contribute in break-out groups, and the results of our discussion will be shared with the GLD membership at large after the conference.

GLD Digital Events Co-Coordinator Megan Falk will be presenting a session on “Ableism” on Friday at 3:30 pm and GLD Listmaster Rainer Klett will share his insights on handling ambiguous or unclear source sentences on Friday at 2:35 pm.

Finally, GLD Administrator Karen Leube will be holding a session on staying abreast of trends in the German formal address on Thursday at 3:30 pm.

GLD member Katharina Jones will be talking about comprehensibility challenges in translating patient information for clinical trials on Friday at 3:30 pm.

GLD member Abigail Clay will share tips and tricks for translating German medical records on Saturday morning at 11:30 am. More German-English medical translation information will be imparted at Marion Lemari’s session on into English medical terminology. The two GLD members will be joined by Michael Robson for an AST Day session on translating patient medical records.

Kelly Neudorfer, another GLD member, will be speaking about translating culture at her session on Saturday morning at 10:15 am.

Finally, GLD member Carola Berger will be answering her question “Can you build your own neural machine translation engine” at her session Thursday at 2:00 pm.

Of course, we encourage all GLD members and friends to stop by our table after the Welcome Reception at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Wednesday night from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, and most of all, spend Friday evening networking with us at Brix Tavern at our GLD Networking Dinner.

Bis bald in Portland!