Financial Market Seminars for Translators in Frankfurt am Main 2015

Montag, 23. November 2015 Handelsplätze und Clearingsysteme mit Ralf Lemster Grundlagen zum börslichen Handel Ablauf des Börsenhandels, Orders, Preisbildung Außerbörslicher Handel (OTC), MTFs Überblick: Clearingsysteme Dienstag, 24. November 2015 Finanzmärkte und die „Buchstabensuppe“ EMIR, AQR, SSM – Dark Pools, Omnibus-Kunden, Haircut, Waterfalls – Kennen Sie […]

Registration open for GLD annual networking event

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Thursday, October 29, 2015. Enjoy an evening mingling with your colleagues of the German Language Division while sampling a Pan-Latin array of tapas catered by Toro Toro. The reception will be held in the Miami Chic setting of Olé at InterContinental Miami, less […]

New ATA webinars coming up in September

Two new ATA webinars will take place in September: “Effective Marketing to Translation Companies” by Steve Lank and Corinne McKay, and “Translating Patents for Evidence and PCT Filing” by Martin Cross. Find out more and sign up here ( and here (

ATA logo: are you using it?

You can use one (or all) of four ATA logo designs to highlight your professional affiliation and increase your visibility. Read the ATA Logo Usage Guidelines at and request the logo files via

2015 ATA Elections

ATA will hold its regularly scheduled elections at the upcoming 2015 ATA Annual Conference in Miami, Florida. President-elect, secretary, treasurer, and three directors will be elected. Click here for more information.

Call for Mentees and Mentors: The ATA Mentoring Program

Need to move your business forward? Have questions about technology, management, or clients? The ATA Mentoring Program may be just what you need. The program matches 30 mentees with mentors who can help them reach their specific goals. The one-year mentorship has proven to be […]

Call for Nominations: 2015 ATA Election

The 2015 Nominating and Leadership Development Committee is pleased to call for nominations from ATA’s membership to fill the positions of president-elect, secretary, and treasurer (each a two-year term), as well as three directors’ positions (each a three-year term). Elections will be held at the […]

Introducing GLD's new Conference Coordinator

Planning to submit a session proposal for ATA’s 56th Annual Conference in Miami? Please send a copy of your abstract and bio to Ruth Boggs, GLD’s new Conference Coordinator. That way we can keep a tally of all GLD members who might present in Miami […]

Chicago presentations now online!

A number of presentations given by GLD members at ATA 55th Annual Conference in Chicago are now available in the Conference Archive. Download your copy today! If you wish to include your presentation in the archive, please write to info(at)

GLD Annual Meeting minutes now available

The minutes of our Annual Meeting, which was held on November 6, 2014 during the ATA 55th Annual Conference in Chicago, are now available for download here. Review what you heard or read what you missed – and please contact Melissa Field or Michael Engley […]

Time to renew your membership!

As the year draws to a close and many of us look forward to the holiday season, it also time to renew your ATA membership, which, if you renew annually, will end on  December 31, 2014. Membership renewal forms for 2015 are already in the […]

Are you a voting member?

Active membership is now easier than ever! ATA members who are not yet certified can go through “Active Membership Review” – a painless online process for working translators, interpreters, and individuals professionally engaged in work closely related to translation and/or interpreting. Click here to submit the […]

October 2014 issue of The ATA Chronicle available

The latest issue of The ATA Chronicle is now available online in both flipbook and PDF formats. ATA members can log in to read current and back issues of the magazine. Go to ___________________________________________________________ ATA 55th Annual Conference November 5-8, 2014 | Chicago Check out the […]

10 Reasons to Attend the ATA Annual Conference

        When it comes to getting answers to business questions, this is the place to be. The ATA Annual Conference is the largest, most comprehensive, and most respected educational program in the profession. Still need convincing? Check out these 10 reasons to […]

ATA Webinar on Oct 14: Translating for the International Development Sector

Presenter: Corinne McKay Language: Presented in English Date: October 14, 2014 Time: 12 Noon U.S. Eastern Daylight Time Duration: 60 minutes CE Point(s): 1 International development—translating for government agencies, development contractors, NGOs and private foundations that work in developing countries—may be the biggest specialization you’ve […]

Available Now! The ATA 55th Annual Conference App!

Have you registered for the ATA 55th Annual Conference? Then you can now get this FREE app that puts the entire conference (and SO much more) at your fingertips. It is also an exciting tool you can use to connect with other attendees like never […]

MOOCs in aller Munde – auch bei Sprachmittlern?

Der nachstehende Text ist eine überarbeitete und aktualisierte Fassung eines Ende 2013 im MDÜ und im Mitteilungsblatt der österreichischen Universitas veröffentlichten Artikels. Die vorliegende Fassung erschien bereits in der Ausgabe 2/2014 des Infoblatts des ADÜ Nord (Abweichungen sind der redaktionellen Überarbeitung geschuldet) – und ist […]

September 2014 issue of The ATA Chronicle available online

The latest issue of The ATA Chronicle is now available online in both flipbook and PDF formats. ATA members can log in to read current and back issues of the magazine. Go to ___________________________________________________________ ATA 55th Annual Conference November 5-8, 2014 | Chicago Check out the ATA Annual Conference Program online for […]

interaktiv Summer 2014 available NOW!

Dear GLD Members, The Summer 2014 edition of interaktiv is now available for download from the GLD website. Click here to get your own personal copy Contents at a Glance Editorial by yours truly A Word from the Administrator by Eva Stabenow (Translation) Notes from the Homeland by Karen Leube 2012 […]

Did you know ATA Webinars are available on demand?

That’s right – anytime, anywhere, all you need is an internet connection! From terminology management to pricing strategies, ATA webinars have covered a lot of ground in the last four years. See the May issue of ATA Newsbriefs for the hottest on-demand webinars or browse […]

Member of the ATA Business Practices Listserv? You should be.

As a freelancer, how do you keep from falling prey to the “piranha pit” of price pressures? As a company owner, how do you maintain your profit margins and keep your freelancers happy? The issues are real and so is the conversation on ATA’s Business […]

GLD 2014 Election Candidate Statements

The Nominating Committee of the German Language Division is pleased to announce that the following Division members have been nominated as candidates in the upcoming election of officers: Administrator: Mr. Michael Engley Assistant Administrator: Ms. Melissa Ann Field Please take a few minutes to read […]

Notes from a Newbie – ATA Conference

A.T.A. Konferenz: Was für ein Erlebnis Einen Monat vorher hatte ich gar keine Idee, was ich erwarten soll. Einen Monat vorher, bin ich nie nach einer Konferenze gegangen. Jetzt sind diese Gedanke vorbei, und ich fuehle mich wir wirklich, dass ich verbessert bin. Ich wusste […]