The Nominating Committee of the German Language Division is pleased to announce that the following Division members have been nominated as candidates in the upcoming election of officers:
Administrator: Mr. Michael Engley
Assistant Administrator: Ms. Melissa Ann Field
Please take a few minutes to read the following statements from the candidates.

Mr. Michael Engley (
I moved to Freiburg, Germany, with a study abroad program as a young man in the mid-1990s, where I eventually studied Economics after abandoning my initial curriculum of English and German. However, I learned far more than economic theory during my 10 years in that Black Forest university town. At first, my studies drifted seeming aimlessly across the humanities, but even in my final semesters of Economics I never lost sight of the fact that my core education was always about German history, society, politics and culture, not to mention: myself – an invaluable experience for a young and impressionable mind.
My first job as a translator was an opportunity given to me by a fellow student in Freiburg who had moved on and could no longer translate for a local research institute. Eventually, I also began translating for first one and then another of my professors. But I did not begin translating in earnest until I returned to the U.S. eight years ago and enrolled in a Masters of Accountancy program at the University of Louisville – although at the time I only regarded translation as a way of supporting myself financially during my studies. Despite this short-term perspective, my list of clients grew along with my level of job satisfaction after I joined the ATA and became increasingly active on the German Language Division’s e-mail list. My level of commitment to the translation profession grew as well and I soon shrugged off thoughts of the CPA exam and became a regular attendee at the annual ATA conference.
Today, my freelance business is going strong, thanks in part to my own efforts; but I had a lot of help along the way, in particular from my fellow members of the German Language Division. I have profited so much over the years from my continuing involvement in the GLD that I am happy to give back to the community of translators. Accordingly, I am wrapping up one term as Assistant Administrator and currently continue to serve as the Dictionary Review Coordinator for the division newsletter interaktiv as well as on the GLD Leadership Council. If elected Administrator, I pledge to do everything I can to facilitate the smooth running of the German Language Division. It is in this spirit that I humbly request your support in my endeavor to serve your interests and continue making a positive contribution to the GLD as its Administrator for the coming two years.

Ms. Melissa Ann Field (
My interest in German began as an undergraduate student at the University of Tennessee. After a year abroad in Germany at the University of Trier, a year during which I worked very hard to become proficient in the language, I decided to major in German. After graduating, I participated in yet another exchange program, this time in the former capital city of Bonn. During that year, I studied political science and worked as an intern for a member of the German parliament, Klaus-Juergen Hedrich (CDU). I met a great many people that year, some prominent and others less so, but one of them was to later become my husband.
By this time, I felt confident in my language skills. I chose a graduate program at the University of South Carolina, a Master of International Business, where I could put those skills to work. My emphasis was on finance and accounting, and I completed another internship in Germany, this one as a junior auditor at Price Waterhouse in Munich. I found my first job while on that internship, a position as a trainee at Volkswagen in Wolfsburg. After completing that 18-month program, I went to work for the company’s internal audit department.
Five years later, now married and with a growing family, I moved back to the U.S. I spent another five years in the automotive industry, this time with Bosch as a financial and cost analyst.
After my second child was born and my husband started his own small business, I decided to combine my love of the German language with the finance expertise I had earned over the years. What a challenging and exciting time it was! Building up reference material, working with translation software, finding clients and figuring out what to charge for my services: those were only a few of the challenges. Attending the ATA’s annual conference in Phoenix that first fall was like finding the teacher’s guide to a textbook – all the answers were there! And I remember how surprised I was that people were so willing to help a newcomer and share their knowledge.
Now it has been 12 years since I began translating professionally, and my business is going strong. I can’t imagine that I could have been nearly as successful or enjoyed myself as much if I had not been a member of the ATA. In particular, the people of the German Language Division have been so very helpful, and the resources like the e-mail list are extremely valuable. Meeting my colleagues face to face at the annual conference is truly a highlight of my year.
So, as you can see, it has been a winding path that brought me to translation and to the American Translators Association. It is my belief that joining the ATA was the wisest move of my early career as a freelance translator. My sincere wish is to help anyone else making this professional transition, whether right out of school or after years of work. Toward this end, I served as a mentor in the 2012-2013 mentoring program. If elected Assistant Administrator, I pledge to work diligently for the German Language Division and in the interest of its members. I look forward to the opportunity to give back to the organization that has given me so much, and hope that you will support me in this endeavor.
Additional candidates may be added to the ballot. Additional candidates must be voting members of the Association.
Deadline for objections to the slate and/or receipt of nominations to add candidates to the slate is July 26 (45 days after publication of slate); each nomination must include a written acceptance letter and candidate statement from the candidate to be added, and sent (mail, fax, or email) to:
Attn: Jamie Padula
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Fax: +1-703-683-6122
For questions, please contact Jamie Padula, ATA Chapter and Division Relations Manager, by email to
If no further candidates are received, then this is an uncontested election and officers will be declared by acclamation at the German Language Division’s annual meeting during ATA’s 55th Annual Conference (November 5-8, 2014, in Chicago, Illinois).
American Translators Association
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590
Alexandria, Virginia 22314 USA
Phone: +1-703-683-6100