GLD Annual Meeting today

Join the GLD Annual Meeting this Monday, October 3 at 11am. Click on the link below to sign in:

Coffee mug next to an open laptop showing numerous online attendees of a meeting

GLD Annual Meeting

This year’s German Language Division Annual Meeting will take place online on October 3 at 11:00 am EDT. Please mark your calendars. Members will receive an email from Headquarters with the meeting link. Best wishes, Karen Karen Leube Assistant Administrator, German Language Division Photo by […]

The GLD welcomes a new proofreading pool coordinator

Heike Holthaus is our new proofreading pool coordinator. Welcome, Heike! If you are interested in joining the proofreading pool, you can contact her at Read more about Heike here: Heike Holthaus is a freelance translator specializing in patents and technical texts and a speaker […]

Indian food and Jeopardy! at the GLD dinner

The GLD dinner Thursday was a rousing success at Dancing Ganesha. A huge thanks to David Coats and Karen Leube for organizing it, and Marion Rhodes for the extremely entertaining game of Jeopardy! First-time conference attendee Ina Vogel was the winner, with Karen Leube taking […]

ATA 62: How to get to the conference hotel and more

Find information below on how to get to the conference hotel and how to get around the area, along with highlights of the Twin Cities to enjoy during your stay.  A huge thank-you to David Coats for putting this information together! Getting to and from […]

2nd Digital Events Coordinator Needed/Social Media Position Filled

The GLD is looking for a 2nd Digital Events Coordinator to work with Elani Wales. If you are interested, please contact Elani at The position of Social Media Coordinator has been filled by Ilona Friedman, who has been busy posting away since she took […]

2021 ATA German Language Division Conference Survey

To help plan for division events during ATA62, GLD is conducting a survey. If you have a few minutes, please take the survey here: The survey closes August 31, 2021. Questions? Contact GLD Administrator Carlie Sitzman, Thank you for your help!

In Memoriam – Michael Wahlster

The German Language Division and ATA are mourning the death of Michael Wahlster, our longtime member, colleague, and friend. He passed away on Tuesday, February 2, at his home in Los Angeles. As some of you may know, he withdrew from all ATA-related activities last […]

GLD Change in Leadership

Dear GLD members, At the 2020 annual meeting of the German Language Division Carlie Sitzman took over as Administrator and appointed GLD Leadership Council member Karen Leube as Acting Assistant Administrator. We are writing to thank Ruth Boggs for her hard work as Administrator over […]

7th Annual GLD Members in Europe Workshop in Erfurt

This year the GLD Members in Europe Workshop travels to yet another of Germany’s most charming historical cities: Erfurt. And we’re making the most of it by meeting in the Augustinian monastery where Martin Luther spent several years as a friar before moving to Wittenberg in 1511 […]

The German Language Division at ATA60

With 10 days to go until the 60th ATA Conference, we wanted to make sure you don’t miss any of the GLD events during the conference. Here’s a list of all events, from the networking event to the conference sessions […]

ITD 2019: A Day in the Life of a Translator and Interpreter

Wouldn’t it be great if people could get a glimpse of what a day in the life of a translator or interpreter might look like? Let’s make this year’s International Translation Day all about reaching out and raising awareness for our professions […]

Zukunftsweisende BDÜ-Konferenz im November 2019 in Bonn

Vom 22. bis 24. November 2019 veranstaltet der Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ) wieder eine große internationale Konferenz, diesmal in Bonn, und zwar zum Thema „Dolmetschen und Übersetzen 4.0: Neue Wege im digitalen Zeitalter“ […]

The German Language Division at ATA59

With less than 10 days to go until the 59th ATA Conference, we wanted to make sure you don’t miss any of the GLD events during the conference. Here’s a list of all events, from the networking event to the conference sessions […]

ATA59: Call for presentation proposals

The American Translators Association is now accepting presentation proposals for the ATA 59th Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 24-27, 2018. The deadline for submitting a proposal is March 2, 2018 […]

Workshop announcement: 5th Annual GLD Workshop in Berlin February 2018

What started as a casual meet-up has now become a well-established workshop. Join fellow GLD members in Europe for our fifth annual gathering – this year at Myer’s Hotel in Berlin’s charismatic Prenzlauer Berg. Come for an opportunity to network and learn from each other […]

A new way to pay for the GLD Networking Event at ATA58

Hello fellow GLD members, October is here, and you know what that means! Fall is here, and ATA58 is just around the corner. You have probably already made your travel arrangements and paid for the conference, but have you reserved your spot at the GLD […]

ATA Statement on U.S. Immigration Order

As the voice of over 10,000 interpreters and translators in the United States and abroad, the American Translators Association is very concerned about President Trump’s recent Executive Order to suspend issuing visas to nationals from certain countries in the Middle East and northern Africa. Impact […]

ATA 58th Annual Conference: Call for Presentation Proposals

The American Translators Association is now accepting presentation proposals for ATA’s 58th Annual Conference in Washington, DC (October 25-28, 2017). Proposals must be received by March 3, 2017. How to submit a presentation proposal for 2017 The Conference draws an audience of more than 1,600 […]