GLD Change in Leadership

Dear GLD members,

At the 2020 annual meeting of the German Language Division Carlie Sitzman took over as Administrator and appointed GLD Leadership Council member Karen Leube as Acting Assistant Administrator. We are writing to thank Ruth Boggs for her hard work as Administrator over the past four years and Sandy Jones for her hard work as Assistant Administrator over the past two years. They have done a fantastic job of keeping the GLD running smoothly and ensuring that the German events and offerings are well-planned. We are very thankful for their service.

From Carlie: Moving forward as Administrator, I know I have big shoes to fill. I look forward to working with Karen and the GLD Leadership Council to ensure the continuation of established German Language Division benefits, while also exploring the world of possibilities opened up by our recent experiences with digital events this year. I would like to encourage anyone interested in getting more involved by volunteering for a position on the Leadership Council to contact Karen ( and me ( We are currently looking for volunteers to fill the position of New Member and Proofreading Pool Coordinator. We welcome Elani Wales to the newly created position of Digital Event Coordinator and will have some exciting news to share about the GLD’s digital offerings shortly.

From Karen: I’m looking forward to assisting Carlie in her position as GLD Administrator. We encourage you to contact us with any ideas you may have and we welcome new volunteers. We would also love to add new participants to our GLD listserve (contact Gerhard Preisser at and proofreading pool (contact Carlie Sitzman at

Thank you for being members of the GLD. You are the ones that make this division a vibrant place for professional growth.

Carlie Sitzman and Karen Leube