Would you like to get to know your colleagues in the German Language Division a little better? We have just the thing! Our new digital socials are a time to catch up with old friends and make some new ones. Help us kick-start this new offering from the GLD by attending our first digital social for a little chatting, a little networking, and some discussion about the world of translation today.
Brew yourself a mug of tea or coffee and fire up Zoom for our first digital social on
Saturday, February 20, 12:00 PM EST.
To register, RSVP to Elani at least 48 hours before the event. We hope to see you there!
Elani Wales is certified by the ATA in German to English translation and specializes in legal texts and business communication. She became interested in meditation through her fourteen years of training in Aikido. Elani writes about translation, meditation, and more at https://elaniwales.com/blog.