Recently, GLD members have been in the news. On November 16, Abigail Dahlberg was featured in the Los Angeles Times article Demand grows for niche translators. Abigail, known to GLD members as a former editor of interaktiv, is a Kansas City based German-to-English translator who specializes in waste management. She writes the blog The Greener Word and you can also follow her on Twitter (@thegreenerword).
The second GLD member who made it into the news is Judy Jenner. She was featured in a December 8 post in the on-line Wall Street Journal. Judy is based in Las Vegas and works together with her Vienna-based twin sister Dagmar as Twin Translations. Judy writes the blog Translation Times and you can follow her on Twitter as well (@language_news).
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[Photo © 2005 Stefano Corso]