The Summer 2011 edition of interaktiv is now available here on the GLD website. Click here to download a copy. You can also find it and past issues of interaktiv in our newsletter archive.
This issue begins with an informative update from our Administrator, Ruth Gentes Krawczyk, preparing us all for Boston and announcing some impending policy changes. Salzburg-based Nina Sattler-Hovdar, who will also present in Boston, tells us just how much a ready-to-print translation really costs. This issue’s Translator in Profile – Steffen Cambon – is a Boston native who recently returned home after spending 15 years “living all around the planet.” Two GLDers you’ll recognize give us a blogger’s view of the ATA Translation Company Division Business of Translation Conference. And GLD member David A. Coats wraps up this issue with an excellent review of one of the latest Siemens technical dictionaries.
Contents at a Glance
- Editorial
- A Word from the Administrator
- Division Administrator’s Summit Report
- Druckreif übersetzen – was kostet das? by Nina Sattler-Hovdar
- ATA Conference Primer
- Translator in Profile
- ATA Translation Company Division Mid-Year Conference – The Blogger’s View
- Dictionary Review: Siemens Wörterbuch Elektrotechnik, Energie- und Automatisierungstechnik
- Calendar of Events
A big Thank You goes out to Katrin Rippel, who once again put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into the design of this issue. I’d also like to thank the editorial team: Janice Becker for proofreading, Susan Starling for compiling the calendar of events, and Michael Engley for coordinating the dictionary review. Ruth, thank you for your continued guidance as the new editorial team finds its feet.
A very special thanks to our contributing authors – Ruth Gentes Krawczyk, Nina Sattler-Hovdar, Steffen Cambon, Jill Sommer, Michael Wahlster and David A. Coats.
Happy reading!
Beste Grüße
Matt Baird