One Day Left — ATA Language Standards Survey Closes December 14

The ATA Language Standards Survey closes Wednesday, December 14. If you haven’t taken the survey yet, do it now! Last week’s ATA email invitation is included below. In 2011 efforts to bring standards to the translation and localization industries gained important momentum. The standardization process […]

Die Recherche-Software "Multifultor" – warum und wozu?

Die Recherche-Software “Multifultor” – warum und wozu? Freelance technical translator Rolf Keller writes about “Multifultor” – a Windows-based program he developed that allows users to search multiple dictionaries and other sources simultaneously. Click here to read Rolf’s infomative article (in German): The Multifultor software […]

GLD Call for Nominations

Deadline: December 7, 2011 The German Language Division will be electing an Administrator and Assistant Administrator in 2012. The term for both positions is two years. Pursuant to the Governing Policy for Divisions, the GLD Nominating Committee was constituted by acclamation at the GLD Annual […]

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the GLD

Boston, MA October 29, 2011 The Administrator of ATA’s German Language Division, Ruth Gentes Krawczyk, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Agenda approval and corrections The assembled members approved the agenda of the present meeting and the minutes of the previous year’s meeting […]

Lesestoff für Übersetzer

Eine Liste und Kurzbeschreibung deutschsprachiger oder in Deutschland herausgegebener Zeitschriften, die sich an Übersetzer wenden, findet man bei, einem Online-Nachrichtenportal für Übersetzer. Mit in der Liste aufgeführt ist auch die GLD-Newsletter „interaktiv“.

ATA members living in Germany to gather in Wiesbaden!

A group of ATA members living in Germany are getting together in Wiesbaden on Saturday, December 10, 2011, at 12:00 p.m. We are currently planning to meet for lunch at the home of ATA member Barbara Müller-Grant, although we will move to a larger venue […]

The translators are coming, the translators are coming!

This week in Boston you most likely won’t see Paul Revere riding through the streets of Boston crying “the translators are coming, the translators are coming.” (Ok, so you may see an actor playing Paul Revere, but he most certainly won’t be crying anything about […]

ATA Conference Registration Rates Increase October 14

Register now to SAVE! Fees increase 17% on OCTOBER 15 Go to: ATA 52nd ANNUAL CONFERENCE Marriott Copley Place Boston, Massachusetts October 26-29, 2011 More than 1,500 translators, interpreters, project managers, and company owners will attend ATA’s 52nd Annual Conference. The opportunity to network […]

License to Translate

Until I moved to Virginia in the ’90s, I was blissfully unaware of just how many vanity plates or personalized license plates there were. The Commonwealth of Virginia seemed to teem with vanity plates, from the infamous H2OG8 of Gordon Liddy to this one on […]

RSVP for the GLD Networking Event now!

Please rsvp to Ruth Gentes Krawczyk ( no later than Sunday, September 25th. GLD NETWORKING EVENT DURING  THE ATA 52ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE Dear members of the German Language Division, Late last month you received notice of your summer issue of interaktiv which included information about […]

Don't miss out! Early registration for ATA conference ends 9/23

Time is running out to get the early bird price for the ATA Conference in Boston. Don’t miss out! ATA 52nd Annual Conference Marriott Copley Place Boston, Massachusetts October 26-29, 2011 ATA members SAVE MORE THAN 20% when they register by Friday, September 23. Look […]

ATA Webinar: How to Make PDF Files Work in Translation on September 22

Tools, Tips & Techniques for Converting and Translating PDF Files Presenter: Tuomas S. Kostiainen Date: September 22 Time: 12:00 noon US Eastern Daylight Time Duration: 60 minutes CE Point(s): 1 Become more efficient with PDF files in your translation business! Join us for this 60-minute […]

Call for GLD Nominating Committe Members for 2012 GLD Election

The German Language Division is pleased to call for GLD Nominating Committee members from the GLD membership. The Nominating Committee will work to select candidates for the 2012 GLD election. The Nominating Committee consists of at least two Division members, who must be voting members […]

Linguee Has Changed

Linguee: neue Funktionen, neues Design by Gabriele Zöttl Linguee … Wer davon noch nichts gehört hat, hat nichts mit Sprachen zu tun. Seit Linguee im Frühjahr 2009 an den Start ging, hat es mit seinem innovativen Ansatz viel von sich reden gemacht. Jeder Übersetzer weiß, […]

Terminologierecherche: Pflichtübung bei der Informationsbeschaffung

Terminologierecherche: Pflichtübung bei der Informationsbeschaffung by Bianca Blüchel “Suchen, Sichten, Sichern” – auf diesen Ablauf verstehen sich die in diesem und zwei weiteren Artikeln vorgestellten, sehr preiswerten Windows-Programme optimal. Gerade wer sie in Verbindung mit seriösen Online-Quellen anzuwenden weiß, wird deutlich mehr Erfolg haben als […]

Tipps für griffiges Übersetzen

Tipps für griffiges Übersetzen by Nina Sattler-Hovdar Auschnitt aus “Druckreif übersetzen – was kostet das? und Nicht nur richtig, sondern auch griffig” – lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel in den Sommer 2011 Ausgabe der interaktiv Den stilistischen Feinschliff erzielen Sie unter anderem, wenn Sie einige […]

Summer 2011 edition of GLD Newsletter now online!

The Summer 2011 edition of interaktiv is now available here on the GLD website. Click here to download a copy. You can also find it and past issues of interaktiv in our newsletter archive. This issue begins with an informative update from our Administrator, Ruth […]

ATA Webinar: Ethical Dilemmas for Health Care Interpreters

Shhh, Don’t Say That! Ethical Dilemmas for Interpreters in Health Care Presenter: Elena Langdon Fortier Date: August 31 Time: 12:00 noon US Eastern Daylight Time Duration: 60 minutes CE Point(s): 1 Standards of practice call for medical interpreters to convey words and culture without revealing […]

BDÜ Webinar: Understanding Your Client (and why that's important!)

Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Time: 17:00-18:30 (CET) Organizer: BDÜ-Landesverband Baden-Württemberg Language: English Contents: In this new Webinar we will look at some of the most effective ways of building productive, long-term relationships with clients, including: Identifying your key clients Understanding WHO your clients are […]

ATA Webinar: How to Make Adobe Reader/Acrobat Work for You

Working with PDF Files-Part 1: Using Adobe Reader/Acrobat Presenter: Tuomas S. Kostiainen Date: August 25 Time: 12:00 noon US Eastern Daylight Time Duration: 60 minutes CE Point(s): 1 Working with PDF files is not as difficult as it sometimes seems! Join us for this 60-minute […]

A Note from the GLD Administrator

ATA approves new governing policy for division leadership Divisions to be led by a Leadership Council Dear Colleagues, Last year in October at the ATA Annual Conference, the ATA Board approved a new governing policy for division leadership. In addition to the Administrator and Assistant […]

ATA Webinar: Preparing to Take the ATA Certification Exam

Registration CLOSING July 12 (sooner if all spaces fill) Presenter: Celia Bohannon, CT Date: July 14 Time: 12:00 noon US Eastern Daylight Time Duration: 60 minutes CE Point(s): 1 You’ve set the goal of earning ATA certification as a professional credential, and you’ve decided to […]

Free book launch webinar

On Friday, June 24 at 9 AM Mountain (Denver) Time, Eve Bodeux and I will be presenting a free webinar to launch the second edition of my book “How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator.” With over 4,500 copies in print, the first edition of […]

From the Editor's desk: call for contributions

As we prepare for the next issue of interaktiv I would like to invite you to submit articles, point out potential content or simply make suggestions for the next issue. We are on the lookout for articles, conference/seminar reports or reviews, thought-provoking blog posts, and […]

FIT World Congress in San Francisco

August 1-4 International Federation of Translators FIT XIX World Congress–Bridging Cultures San Francisco, California ATA will host the International Federation of Translators (FIT) XIX World Congress this summer in San Francisco, California. FIT’s triennial conference and exhibition offers a unique educational program focusing on international […]