The October 15th deadline for reservations to the GLD wine reception in San Diego is rapidly approaching and space is limited so don’t procrastinate any longer!
Check the Summer 2012 issue of interaktiv (page 8) for all the details. Find reservation information below.
GLD Wine Reception
Thursday, October 25, 2012
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Beach Loft at Buster’s Beach House Seaport Village San Diego (
Tickets are $37.00 per person. The room holds up to 125 people, so we’re hoping that will be more than enough space for everyone! Payment must be made in advance by October 15th.(see details below). The price includes a modest appetizer buffet , one glass of house wine, tax and gratuity. A private cash bar will also be available.
To Register:
1) To pay by PayPal (bank transfer or debit/credit card): Go to to use PayPal’s new friend/family transfer method. In the box on the left-hand side of the screen enter your email address in the “From” field, Ruth’s address ( in the “To” field, United States as the country, $37.00 in the “Amount” field and finally USD as the currency. Then click “Continue.” You will be asked to review your payment before sending. At the bottom of this page you have the opportunity to send Ruth an email. Please add your name and the names of anyone you are paying for in this field so Ruth knows who the money is from and for how many people. Once your money arrives on her account she will send you a confirmation.
2) If you are located in Europe, it will be possible to wire transfer the money to Ruth’s Girokonto. Please contact Ruth at the address below to get that information. The euro price is currently € 33,00 but subject to change based on the exchange rate.
As space is limited to 125, reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis until October 15th. All reservations are final and cannot be canceled once paid for. Should space still be available after October 15th, we will continue to accept reservations. For any questions, please contact Ruth Krawczyk at or Eva Stabenow at