Dear GLD Members,
The Summer 2013 edition of interaktiv is now available for download from the GLD website. Click here to get your own personal copy
Contents at a Glance
- Editorial by yours truly
- A Word from the Administrator by Eva Stabenow
- (Translation) Notes from the Homeland byKaren Leube
- GLD Social Networking Event in San Antonio
- GLD Sessions at the 2013 ATA 54th Annual Conference
- Polnische und deutsche Literaturübersetzer im Gespräch by Andreas Volk
- From Freelance to Factor Girl by Hilary Fayen Higgins
- Translator in Profile by Karen Leube
- Translator on Tour by Michael Engley
- Dictionary Review: Siemens Dictionary of Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering and Automation by David Coats
- Calendar of Events
A very special thanks to our contributing authors – Eva Stabenow, Karen Leube, Andreas Volk, Hilary Fayen Higgins, Michael Engley, and David Coats.
And I can’t thank Katrin Rippel enough for the time an effort she puts into the layout and design. Thanks also our proofreaders, Kim Scherer and Ute Kegel, and Michael Engley for coordinating the dictionary review.
Happy reading!
Beste Grüße
Matt Baird